#unless he actually goes and makes a great enough mess to make a fuss over
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mwolf0epsilon · 1 month ago
The Unlucky Tug's season 13 & Hero of the Rails Retrospective video got me thinking about Spencer... As a character we really don't have much on him do we? (Which is ironically fitting since he's a private engine)
Come to think of it, most of what we know of Spencer are a handful of crumbs you can count off your fingers (that he's proud of being a speedster, that he enjoys his work as a private engine, that he's not overly fond of Sodor's engines, etc...), and just a few personality traits you can parse from watching how he interacts with others (which often amounts to him being a pompous jerk who cares more about his status than actually behaving in a way that upholds that status with grace). Other than that, we don't really know who he is or what he did before he became the Duke and Duchess of Boxford's privately owned engine...
Sure, he's an A4 Pacific but... Is he meant to be a specific one?
Every engine in the railway series and the tv shows has a proper basis one can refer to. Even if some of them are fictional members of a specific line of engines or heavily altered (Gordon as his class's imperfect but no less endearing prototype, Edward being a surviving member of his class despite all of the Larger Seagulls having been scrapped in actuality, James being a custom fleshed out in the series, and Henry being a personification of one class configuration being rebuilt into another, etc...the list is never ending here!) they still have a concrete basis you can look at and equate them to.
With that in mind... Is Spencer supposed to be one of the Silvers? The first batch of A4s that pulled the Silver Jubelee and didn't escape scrapping? If so, is he meant to be a fifth fictional member of the Silvers or is he actually one of them under a new identity?
I've seen the latter idea being toyed with a lot (and I do vibe with it because second chances at life freaking slap as a character arc!), but the former idea... The one where maybe he's a secret fifth member that was never really in prominence compared to his older siblings (overlooked and ignored)... It also does seem fitting doesn't it?
Especially considering none of his fellow Silvers survived.
What I'm getting at, is that Spencer strikes me as someone who's deeply insecure to the point he'll latch onto what he thinks is his (his status for example), and protects it with such jealous ferocity that it makes him a very difficult engine to get along with.
If he were one of the Silvers who somehow miraculously got bought by the Duke and Duchess of Boxford when he was going to be scrapped, it definitely makes sense why he tries to seem like he's more than he really is. Making himself out to be important would ensure he continues to remain useful enough that he won't see the cutter's torch so soon...
But it also makes him a potentially very unstable and volatile individual if he gets it in his funnel that someone is threatening his position/existence. Literally anything minor can be blown out of proportion. Including something as harmless as a cheeky little tank engine trying to show him up, and humiliating him in front of his lifeline...
Because trying to get a fellow steam engine scrapped due to a wounded ego is DEFINITELY a disproportional response to his petty squabble with Thomas. And his later reaction when Hiro rescues him shows this too. If Spencer were that much of a jerk that he is all for getting someone else scrapped, he wouldn't have changed his mind so easily.
Spencer's lack of a backstory not only bothers me, it also makes his behavior all that much more interesting to study under a microscope... Just what did he go through that THAT was the only way he thought was appropriate to get back at Thomas? Especially when later it becomes very apparent he didn't mean it...
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Who were you Spencer? What did you see?
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wallflowerimagines · 4 years ago
Hi! if your not busy or backed up could you do the four lords( and possibly the dimitrescu daughters totally cool if you dont) helping a s/o who's stressed about starting college
I'm cracking my knuckles right now. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!!
Warning: Some unhealthy behaviors? You call these dorks out on it though.
Alcina Dimitrescu
Initially, you're stoked! College is a big deal for anyone at any age, and you're thrilled to check off this box on your list of accomplishments. It's a big deal!
A...really, really big deal...
Your internal monologue becomes a mess of "Oh god, oh fuck, oh no", on loop, ad infinitum. There's a lot to consider here, and with every new thought you just get even more stressed.
The minute Alcina sees you in this state, she pulls you in for a hug, plays with your hair, and talks you through your feelings. Do you really want to go to college, or do you feel forced into it? Are you worried about the distance? The amount of work? Do you want her to hire tutors instead?
She very much takes a logical, structured approach to addressing your worries. If it's a problem with paperwork, she can have someone handle it for you. If it's general stress she very efficiently talks you through your feelings. If there's someone in particular that's making you feel this stressed, they'll just disappear. No muss, no fuss.
Alcina dissects any possible reasoning you might have to be pressured until it's such a non-issue you feel almost silly for being panicked at all.
Still, she promises to call you every day, if you need her. Honestly, she expects you to call as often as possible, because she's going to miss you like crazy. But she will always be there for you, Darling. Don't you ever worry about that.
Donna Beneviento
College? You're leaving? 🥺
Donna's not trying to guilt you, but the thought of being away from you for an extended period of time is extremely stressful. It's not quite separation anxiety, but it's close.
Something might happen to you if you're away from the Manor for too long! What if you need help and she can't get to you? What if someone tries to hurt you? Donna might be sheltered, but she's heard things about what happens at Colleges, and not all of it is good.
Considering the fact you're also stressed about this situation, it's not a great combination. Both of you are very emotional at the moment, so there's a likelihood that this might cause one or both of you to have a little breakdown.
Instead of your normal fun, relaxing nights together, the lead up to your departure gives your nights a different atmosphere. You're on the floor of the sitting room, sifting through paperwork with a devastated look on your face, while Donna is nearby and trying hard to pretend this isn't happening.
One of you is going to break first, and the confrontation is not going to be pretty or easy. It's a build up of a bunch of emotion, and both of you just sob while holding each other tightly. You vent your worries to Donna, and she explains her concerns to you, and while you guys might not solve all of those dilemmas in one night, both of you do feel better after having explained your anxieties to each other. Communication is key for this to work out, and both of you need comforting.
Donna winds up building you a brand new doll with a piece of her Cadou in it. It's a new member of the family, specifically crafted to keep an eye on you and help you two communicate over long distances. If something goes wrong, or you two miss each other so badly you can't stand it anymore, you two talk through this new friend and immediately feel connected. The distance doesn't feel so great anymore <3
Salvatore Moreau
HYPED! (Devastated)
Moreau adores you, and he is so, so happy you're going to go pursue your dreams. He can't wait to hear about all the things you've experienced, all the people you meet...
You're going to make tons of new friends, he just knows it!
(You're going to meet someone else, someone better, and you're going to leave him. He just knows it. )
Moreau will never tell you how he really feels about you leaving. You could have a full blown panic attack, and he will hold you close, comfort you, reassure you, and do his absolute best to make you feel better. Meanwhile he is absolutely trying to bury the fact that he thinks you're going to meet your perfect partner at college, abandon him, and live your own version of happily ever after.
It might sound silly to you, but it's a genuine concern for him. He's a monster, and you're about to leave to spend time with a bunch of normal people. As he holds you close and convinces you that the things you're stressed about are easily solvable and are tasks that he could help you with, internally he's absolutely convinced that once you leave, you're going to find your soulmate on campus.
The last thing he wants to do is add to your stress, so unless you can read him well, it's likely you'll never know how worried he is. He's so focused on comforting you and making sure you feel confident enough to handle your next adventure that his own worries take a backseat.
He'll be less concerned if you call him and tell him about your day. It reassures him that you love him, even from afar, and his own stress dissolves when you start to ramble about how much you miss him. 💕
Karl Heisenberg
It's cute that you think you're leaving him behind.
You two are a team, did you seriously expect that he'd be alright with you leaving? With you trying to go to a campus where he can't get to you if something goes wrong?
Heisenberg reacts like an upset pet or a clingy child when it comes to the idea of you leaving for college. He knows it's not forever, and he knows you're coming back--that's not his problem.
His problem is the fact that you're leaving at all.
You two are partners-- a perfect match. He's had this idea in his head ever since you both became a couple that the two of you would hardly ever be apart. Now that you're going to be out of his sight for longer than a week? It's preemptively triggering separation anxiety. He's not happy.
He genuinely tries to get you to take exclusively online courses if you aren't already, just so that you stay with him.
He's so consumed by the concept that you'll be away from him that it takes a while for it to click that, uh, this attitude of his? Not helpful.
You're twice as stressed as you were before, and now you're also angry at Heisenberg for pulling all of this childish nonsense. You love him, but he's being an incredibly insensitive dumbass, and you've got to call him on it.
Phones exist. Skype exists. Hell, the two of you can write letters to each other if you want. It's not like he won't ever get to talk to you! All he's doing is adding to your stress and making you feel worse about a big decision that you've already made, and that's not okay! If he's supposed to be your "perfect match", why isn't he being more supportive?
That snaps him right out of it. While Karl still sulks a bit, he puts on his big boy pants and gives you a proper apology.
Once he's got his head on straight, he's very good at helping you through your worries. Heisenberg will massage your shoulders, talk you through any paperwork you might be having trouble with, and helps you triple check your to-do list. He loves you, and always wants to help, but sometimes he gets carried away.
Just...promise to visit often, alright? He's gonna miss you. 💕
Bela Dimitrescu
Jealous. As. Hell.
She doesn't openly make it obvious, but you know her. You know Bela's little mannerisms and tells, and it's obvious to you that the eldest daughter of the Dimitrescu clan wants to go to college along with you. Unfortunately, due to the fact that she can't easily travel, she can't come along.
It's... not a great situation, considering you're so stressed. You're worried about admissions, being accepted into the classes you need, your curriculum, but Bela doesn't try to comfort you. Instead, she sulks in the background.
Eventually, this blows up between the both of you. You're upset and angry that Bela isn't being more supportive, and Bela is angry that you're the one who gets such an incredible opportunity to leave and explore the world while she's stuck in Dimitrescu Castle.
Why are you stressed? It's an amazing opportunity, it doesn't make sense that you're so worried!
...She's so harsh about it that you might start crying, at which point Bela realizes that she might have fucked up. The last thing she wants to do is hurt your feelings, so she'll pull you into a hug and immediately babble apologies until she's blue in the face.
Once you calm down, you're going to have to explain that just because it looks and sounds fun, College does have challenges of its own. The idea that you get to go learn all sorts of things isn't sunshine and roses--there's a lot of pressure to do well.
Bela is a little quiet after that, but you notice she's much more supportive. She starts to treat your worries more seriously, and even will go to Alcina to try to get some advice on how to help you.
She's still a little envious, but she hides it better now. The last thing that Bela wants to do is stress you out right before you leave. She loves you, and wants your last memories before you go to be positive and something happy that you can look back on when you're away.
Cassandra Dimitrescu
Thrilled for you!
College sounds so exciting! She honestly desperately wants to go with you, but due to the composition of her body, she can't exactly leave the Castle.
She winds up asking you all sorts of questions, following you through the hallways, wondering how you feel about leaving to a brand new place, with brand new people, all of the classes you're going to take....
...It really doesn't help with the anxiety. Cassandra won't leave you alone, and is so fixated on asking you all these questions that it actually makes you worry about things that you hadn't even considered before. What if you hate your Major? What if your professors turn out to be terrible?
Instead of your cheerful responses from before, you start to shut down at all of the questions. Cassandra quickly cues into the fact that something is wrong, and when she asks, all of your worries come pouring out.
Immediately, she pulls you into a hug and apologizes. She didn't mean to stress you out at all, she just wanted to share the experience with you!
Once the two of you clear the air, though? She cracks her knuckles and goes full bookworm.
Cassandra's...not great at staying focused, but she does have a few tips and tricks that she shares with you if it helps.
She also is really great at finding resources that might help you out. Despite her issues focusing on anything other than non-fiction, she does know her way around a library, and will pull any and all reference texts about what you might be studying while you're away.
By the time you're ready to leave Castle Dimitrescu, you've got two years worth of knowledge packed into your head, an optimally organized suitcase, and a lingering kiss from your girlfriend that makes it hard to worry about anything else 💕💕💕
Daniela Dimitrescu
...doesn't handle it well at all.
Daniela doesn't want you to leave. It doesn't matter the situation, it doesn't matter what the context is, you're her partner in crime and she refuses to let you go.
In fact, she tries to sabotage your efforts to leave.
It starts small. Your suitcases mysteriously unpack themselves in the middle of the night. Important papers keep going missing, and you have to reprint a lot of documentation. Your phone disappears for hours at a time.
When all you do is grumble and fix what she's messed with, she gets angrier and escalates. Your laptop goes missing. Your textbooks disappear. You start to question where you left your keys, because they seem to move around the room without your input.
Meanwhile, Daniela is being passive aggressive any time you bring up college. She refuses to talk about it at all with you, and acts like you're not even leaving.
It all comes to a head one day when you burst into tears from all the added stress. This is so, so important to you, and not only are you not getting any help or comfort from your partner, but all of your stuff is going missing!
Daniela immediately feels terrible. As much as she didn't want you to go, the last thing she ever wanted to do was make you cry.
She's not super emotionally mature, so while she comforts you, she has a group of flies separate from the rest and bring back all of your things. You figure it out an call her on it, but she actually looks on the verge of tears herself as she explains to you why she did it. She's so, so sorry, but she doesn't want you to go! She loves you!
You two have a long talk about why this isn't cute, funny or acceptable, no matter her feelings. You might even bring Alcina in on it, just in case. Still, the two of you do work through it, and while Daniela isn't the best with helping with general prep, puts 100% into keeping your mood high.
With time, she finds herself... well not okay with it, but she can now tolerate the idea. As long as you talk to her every day!
(And yes, she calls you multiple times a day when you're gone. Alcina eventually caves and gets her a phone, just so she isn't constantly using the line that Mother Miranda uses to check up on the Castle. The two of you talk so often you barely even have time to miss her💕)
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husbandits · 4 years ago
Would you be interested in writing an angsty bill x reader where the reader gets kidnapped by O’Driscolls?
Oh absolutely! 
I think you meant angst in the vein of 'someone like physically hurting you', but i ended up going for something a bit more 'the crushing fear that no one really cares abt you' here (that's a normal insecurity to have, right)
when he finds out you've been kidnapped, initially, his first reaction is to go right after you, all hellfire and mindless wrath
there's a notion, in the back of his head, a thought that he should have been there, should have been able to stop this, but it's easy for him to push it aside for now
right now all he needs to be is angry, and he's always been real good at that
it takes a lot of self-control, a lot of restraint on his part to not just charge in on Brown Jack, guns blazing- nevermind that he doesn't have more than a vague idea of where to go
it's a stupid idea, and he knows it won't do anything to get you safe. he'll just get himself hurt, or worse, trying to get to you
but that doesn't stop the mindless need to hurt
he's practically fuming, while they figure out how to get you back, more belligerent than normal, or even as bad as most of the gang had seen him, long before you
and when he hears the plan is to go in low and quiet, sneak past whatever guards there are, and sneak you out without alerting more attention than necessary, he wants to scream
but he goes along with it
grits his teeth and nods, and stubbornly demanding he should come when Arthur reminds him, in an infuriatingly patronizing tone, that this is a delicate situation, they don't want to risk you getting hurt
there's an instinct to lash out, childishly rebel against Arthur's coolheaded reasoning, but against himself, Bill just clenches his fists and insists he can control himself
the three of them, Arthur, Charles, and Bill head out in the gloom of twilight, following the mess of horse tracks from the station where the train you'd been planning to rob should've stopped, to the enclave where your captors are, dense treeline opened up on one side by an imposingly tall hill
and when they get there, sneaking up close on the hilltop, pressed low to the ground and peering at the firelit figures below, Bill has to screw his eyes shut again and focus on not breaking the binoculars when he hands them back to Charles. His jaw clenches and his hands tremble, and for a long moment he can't do anything but seethe
O'Driscolls. All this worry about being quiet and not attracting too much attention, all this fussing about the law, and whatever bounty hunters could be on your tail, and it turns out to be just damn O'Driscolls
He takes a long moment to steady himself, blocking whatever solace the others offer entirely, remembering the way you've calmed him, when he gets overwhelmed. His breath comes in sharply through his nose, and he holds it until he feels his heart slow down a bit, letting out with a huff
When he's calm enough to look again, he reaches for the binoculars again, anticipating a horror scene below, and finding himself mercifully underwhelmed
He can just make you out, after a few seconds, in the dense crowd of hostages, your carefully arranged outfit bright against the flickering firelight. There's no sign of where your horse could be; hadn't been tied up at the train station where you'd likely left it, but that's not even a passing concern right now
All he can think about is the thirty-some idiots stopping him from marching right over to you 
their 'careful' strategy, wheedling into camp under the guise of an incomplete group of injured travelers, goes out the window almost immediately, and for a few excruciating moments, they just sit there, the air thick with tension
It takes him an awkward amount of time to realize they're waiting for him to speak up, even Arthur giving him something of a look
As if he'd have any sort of idea, but the obvious
"So we goin' in or what?" He eventually snarls, not bothering to restrain himself further
He's vaguely aware of a response, but as soon as he starts to get up, dust brushed halfheartedly off of his workshirt, it's like something in his brain goes fuzzy
There's a fury in his chest muted with anticipation, and all he can think is what lies before him
when the ambush comes roaring down the hill, horses thundering, you're in the middle of plotting your escape attempt
tucked in the back of the crowd, contemplating whether it's worth holding onto the haul you've got tucked in your pockets, or if the O'Driscolls will just take it all anyway when they get around to searching you
the gun hidden in your boot will definitely get you in trouble, anyway; that is, unless you could convince them you're one of the more high-class ladies' guard? Maybe if-
the gunshots cut your deliberating short, throwing you headfirst into fight-or-flight
on instinct, you get down and out of the line of fire as the nobility around you start to panic. The woman you'd been standing next to up and faints, like something from a romance, and instead of helping her, you run
With the surprise attack no one could anticipate, the O'Driscolls all but scatter, focus narrowing on fighting back the invading force, and it takes you all of a minute to find a hole in the men supposed to be guarding you. Slip out of sight, flashy ensemble losing all vibrancy once you've gotten a good distance from the firelight
Screaming and endless gunfire sounds behind you, and you block out it all, hopping on one of the O'Driscolls' horse and pushing her hard, until the campsite is a distant memory
You marvel at your stroke of luck, the tension in your chest lifting for the first time since you'd left camp that morning
And camp, the thought of what's waiting for you, familiarity and safety, entices a sharp, relieved bark of laughter from you
Not to mention the warm bedroll you can already imagine crashing into, the guff he'll give when you wrap your arms around him, seemingly indifferent but in actuality, preening
The thought soothes you, for nearly a mile, until you cross a narrow river, your horse leaping nearly across in one bound, and then you hear something bigger and heavier sloshing through after you
A pursuit
You jolt, your only gun too far to get to like this, and there's no way to tell what sort of heat your tail has. How many there are, for that matter, you can make out a deep voice, though the words are impossible to make with all the noise
You give a quick glance, grip on the reins vicelike, and when you see-
When you see nothing but Brown Jack, mottled coat distinct to you even in the gloom at this point, and Bill astride him, face a grim mask, something in your chest goes icy
Just for a second, though, because even panicking as you are, you can't mistake the worry on his face, the grief cutting through the stony determination, and it all becomes obvious to you
You pull back on the reins, sharp, and the horse rears up in response, momentum bringing her to a near 
She drops back down, chest heaving, and you sit there for a second. Stead yourself, all trembling hands and ragged breath
Bill comes up behind you, Brown Jack giving a nicker at you familiar scent, but he doesn't move further
Neither of you speak, for a long moment
When you slide off the horse, careful not to let any of the loot slip from it's hidden pockets, you're pretty sure you hear him grumble something, but you don't look all the way up yet. Just make your way over, shoulders shaking, to stand at his side
"I suppose you're here for me, hm?" You snark, but the anxiety is betrayed by the way your voice is thick with emotion
Bill is still a moment. He knows, of course, that you're far more used to solitude than camaraderie. That sometimes, more than you'd like to admit, he's a figure for you to love and cherish, but that you don't expect to care for you when you need it, but it blindsides him, sometimes, the way abandonment comes so naturally to you
For a moment you worry you've done something, exposed too much of yourself, but then he slides down in one smooth motion, and without a word you're being pressed to his chest, all the tension and fear slipping out in one great 
He gives you one syllable, a cracked "I", and then the emotions become too much to contain, and he gets overwhelmed with a sob. Chokes out the rest of whatever he'd wanted to say, as he holds you tight
For your part, you hang there, face flush to his not-so-fresh flannel. Whether the wet patch against your cheek is sweat or some splash from the river, or something you've brought, you don't care to know, but you're lost to it all there, held close and safe, for as long as he'll have you.
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merakiui · 5 years ago
Hi again Meraki ^^ can I request first date hcs with Jamie, Theo, Kati, and Nine? :3
(Hi there! Please forgive me. orz The wait time shouldn’t have been this long. But I hope you’ll enjoy these hcs nonetheless! ^^ They were a lot of fun to write!)
First Date HCs (Jamie, Theo, Kati, and Nine)
🐴 Jamie 🐴
He’s unfamiliar with the concept of first dates. Having grown up on a farm, there weren’t many romantic areas nearby—unless you count the chicken coop as a wild ride. (Which it technically is. It’s extremely messy, but Jamie knows how to get the job done.) Still, a date isn’t something he encounters on a daily basis.
Adjusting to the ways of the city folk have definitely been a challenge for him. Milk that’s not taken straight from the udder of a cow or eggs that aren’t freshly plucked from the nest of a hen. It’s so foreign to him.
On the farm, he knew where everything was. His sense of direction was impeccable. But now, faced with bustling streets filled with busy people, Jamie feels lost.
That’s why he thinks horse riding is a perfect candidate for a first date. It’s better than cleaning a coop with your partner, that’s for sure, and it ensures enough privacy for both him and you to chat about whatever you’d like.
He doesn’t have any need to feel nervous or flustered because he’s ridden horses plenty of times.
Jamie takes you to an area where horse riding is allowed, paying whatever fee may be necessary for an allotted time. It’s exciting, and he can’t wait to relive more of his hobby with the person he’s interested in.
He’ll help you get on your horse if you need it. If not, he’s pleased to watch as you climb on yourself, sitting on the saddle with both legs on either side.
Jamie explains everything you need to know about controlling the horse’s pace, not leaving a single detail out. He even demonstrates on his own horse, allowing you to see how skilled he is.
But Jamie’s intent isn’t to brag. It’s to ensure your safety and enjoyment. After all, he doesn’t want to risk messing up an already perfect day.
If you’re uncertain or worried, Jamie will console you, offering to have you sit behind him on his horse while he takes you through the open pastures.
Once everything’s settled and you’re confident, the two of you will ride your horses side by side, savoring the moment and each other’s company.
You’ll talk about all sorts of things as the horses gallop steadily along the grassy ground.
Jamie finds himself falling more in love with you as he listens to you recalling silly stories about yourself.
Everything goes exceptionally well, with Jamie even asking if you’d want to visit the farm someday.
You’re so enthusiastic about getting to know more about his life and hobbies, so you agree, and Jamie smiles. He’s equal parts elated and relieved. He’s heard enough stories about how first dates can end in disaster.
Thankfully, this isn’t the case.
He’ll definitely invite you to horse ride with him in the future, and you might end up growing used to the wind rushing through your clothes and hair as you and him ride your horses farther into the distance.
“Guess we’ll be sowin’ our own wild oats from now on.”
Jamie hopes the relationship will be long-lasting and fruitful, as he can’t imagine a life without you.
🎹 Theo 🎹
Theo doesn’t have an exact preference when it comes to dates. He’s happy as long as he gets to spend time with the one he loves most.
But if it were up to him to choose where you’ll have your first date, he’d like to spend the day with you at a library. Just something casual while he gets to know you better.
A library, in his opinion, is the best way to converse with your partner. In doing so, you’ll learn what genres they’re interested in and which authors are their favorite. It’s also fun to witness your lover light up when they explain their literary interests.
Theo also enjoys the calming atmosphere of a library, where the two of you can sit together and whisper about character arcs and subplots.
He’ll definitely take you to a café afterwards, allowing you to get any pastry and drink of your choosing. In such a setting, it’s easy to make conversation about food and hobbies. He even tells you about his passion for baking.
Theo will spend the entire day with you. Maybe he’ll take you for a walk in the park after your café excursion so that the two of you can continue your idle chatter. He just wants the moment to last forever as everything you say makes him like you even more.
He might not do anything too fancy for your first date, which is why he prefers to remain local. After all, he doesn’t want to go overboard and drive you away.
But once the relationship develops, he’ll definitely take you wherever you want.
Before your first date, Theo actually had so many plans in his head and on paper. He made a list of possible places, constantly crossing them out because he was certain you wouldn’t like them.
During your walk in the park, the two of you stumble upon someone who was playing the piano.
The both of you are drawn to it instantly, listening to the way the pianist elegantly plays a sensual tune.
When you bring up how good they sound, Theo feels inclined to mention that he’d like to play for you one day.
Why wait for that day to come when he can just do that now? You manage to convince the pianist to let Theo have a go at the keys, who is surprisingly more than happy to oblige.
Theo tries to get out of it at first, a tad shy to play for you so suddenly. A million thoughts race through his mind. What if they don’t like it? What if I make a mistake? It has to be absolutely perfect. What if—
Your smiling expression eases his worries. It’s such an encouraging sight, and it convinces Theo to do his best.
So he plays a random tune, not exactly sure how it should sound because you’re watching. Should it be slow and romantic? Fast and upbeat? He just plays from the heart.
He’s so focused on pleasing you that he doesn’t seem to hear how melodious it sounds. His playing manages to surprise the pianist, and it even draws in a few passersby.
By the time he’s done, you’re clapping and exclaiming so much praise that his cheeks flush.
Theo feels a hundred times lighter, and your compliments make him realize that you’re such a sweet person. As the saying goes, it’s a match made in heaven.
🍎 Kati 🍎
Kati checks his daily horoscope for nearly everything. He needs answers to some of his burning questions! Will a Taurus such as himself get along with Noah, a Gemini, or will it be another turbulent day?
He wonders whether or not your star sign is compatible with his. It must be if you’re allowing him to choose the location of your first date.
Now Kati knows a first date can either make or break a relationship before it even blossoms, so he wants to make sure his partner will have as much fun as possible. For someone as energetic as himself, the amusement park is definitely the best place for a first date.
It may be cliché, but Kati would rather do something fun and exciting. First dates can’t be boring, and he doesn’t want to mess up his chances.
So the amusement park it is!
To be fair, any place that offers endless hours of joy without seeming mundane is a good first date option. Kati can imagine many places: the arcade, a water park, and even a circus performance!
When the two of you get to the amusement park, Kati’s like an awestruck child, racing from here to there in search of cotton candy and which ride to go on first.
If you’re nervous about rollercoasters, he’s prone to whining in hopes that he’ll be able to drag you on the ride. But he’ll understand if you seem truly terrified. In that case, it’s off to stock up on sweets and to win prizes from the games.
You might have to hold him back from biting anyone when he doesn’t win, though...
If you don’t mind the dizzying speeds and the stomach-churning drops of most coasters, then be prepared to go on as many as possible. Kati will quite literally pull you in the direction of the scariest ride he sees, which only get more intense with each one you conquer.
You’ll have to take a break at some point, to which Kati fusses over how boring that is. Once you’re finished with your coveted ten minutes of rest, it’s off to the next huge ride.
He can’t stand waiting in those lines, so it’s best to get the passes that let you cut others in line. As the two of you advance past exhausted, sweaty strangers, Kati’s grinning and teasing them about how he’s going to be the first one on the ride.
A day with Kati, especially one spent as a first date, is an entire rollercoaster in itself. You’ll be so tired by the time the moon’s in the sky, and Kati will still have boundless energy.
He’s relieved at how smooth the date is going. If he checked his horoscope before, which he definitely did, he’ll chalk the luck up to his great fortune. If it were unlucky, that would be another story...
But everything’s great so there’s nothing to worry about!
At the end of the date, Kati’s hoping you’ll want to spend more time with him. After such a great day, who wouldn’t want to stick around?
He’s so happy that you’re such a compatible match. Star signs or not, it must be a stroke of fate!
Your next dates are going to be filled with so much chaotic fun, so get ready for a tiring, yet incredibly exciting relationship.
Kati’s definitely considering competitive tag as a date option and there’s nothing you can do to stop him.
🎼 Nine 🎼
Nine would rather not experience any sort of date at all, which is why he’s incredibly hesitant to even consider going through with this.
But he doesn’t want to upset you, nor does he want to ruin the relationship he’s already built up with you. Besides, dates are ways for couples to become closer, right? If anything, it’ll help him get to know you better, and it’s a perfect way for him to work on his one-on-one skills.
Nine doesn’t want to do anything too extravagant. He’d prefer something modest and tranquil, where it’s just you and him.
So he suggests something gentle like stargazing. Looking up at the stars is good for inspiration, and it might even help him clear his head. On top of that, he can come up with new ideas for his compositions!
For Nine, stargazing is also nice because it’s isolated and calm, which is wonderful for someone who spends most of his time alone.
The two of you check the forecasts religiously, awaiting the day when the weatherman explains that the night will be clear and starry.
When that night comes, you and Nine drive out to the nearest open area. Whether it’s the sandy shore of a beach or an endless grassy field, you make sure everything’s perfect for your first date.
Nine sets up the telescope with ease, and you have an astronomy guidebook in your hands, which has been flipped open to the table of contents so that you can locate a certain constellation.
Blankets have been laid out for comfort and warmth, and snacks have been packed in case you get peckish.
For a first date, it’s awfully quiet, which isn’t exactly a bad thing. Nine only talks when he feels it’s necessary, or when he’s directly addressed, so as long as you can put up with the silence it’ll be a lovely night.
If you’re getting tired, Nine might just allow you to lean against him. It’s a pleasant evening, and you deserve maximum comfort. Besides, he’s in a good mood and you’re his partner, so he doesn’t mind.
He won’t say it outright, but Nine secretly enjoys spending his time with you. You’re just so refreshing to be around, and you understand him. You’re very special to Nine, who gives you many privileges when it comes to stuff he normally doesn’t let others say or do.
Nine’s actually glad he agreed to this first date. Despite his initial hesitation, he’s having a grand time searching for stars and constellations against the inky backdrop of outer space.
If you’re into conspiracy theories, you could have a light debate over the existence of aliens. Though Nine doesn’t contribute much. He’ll just smile as you enthusiastically point up at the sky, telling him that somewhere in the distant blackness of space there exists a civilization of aliens.
Under the moonlight, Nine looks ethereal. How can one man be so elegant and perfect? Maybe he’s one of the aliens from Mars... (Spoiler, he’s not.)
Because Nine sees you as more than a friend, you’re allowed to call him pretty. As long as your praise isn’t overdone.
Yet despite the peace, there’s a lingering emotion in Nine’s deep blue eyes. You can’t quite put your finger on it, but it’s definitely something akin to melancholy.
You let your voice go anyways, not having considered why Nine suddenly seems to be brooding. “You’re not alone, you know. I’ll always be here for you, as your friend and as your partner. You can count on it.”
Nine, who is so accustomed to crushing loneliness and is against forming any type of bond with those around him, is pleasantly surprised. In moments such as this one, you really do shine brighter than the twinkling constellations in the sky. It might be sentimental, but you’re his favorite star.
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1p2p-heta-imagines · 5 years ago
May I ask for yandere 1p & 2p Denmark headcanons (separately)? Thank you so so much 👉👈🥺💕🌸
(Please do not proceed if topics like kidnapping, stalking, or other things associated with the yandere trope trigger you! Make sure to take care of your mental health! 🖤)
1p Denmark:
- He will fall in and out of love at the drop of a hat, but only obsesses over those he knows would be perfect with him, if he doesn’t obsess then he feels like he isn’t in love enough and they deserve more
- He’ll give his crush gifts and sees their acceptance of such gifts as their acceptance of his love
- Kidnapping will hardly take long, probably hardly even a month, he craves to be around them, it’s almost like he requires their love to continue existing in this world
- He shows his affection a lot physically so he’ll end up giving a lot of hugs to his crush, even before they wake up in his basement
- He doesn’t get violent towards his crush, even if they spit in his face or hit him or scream or anything like that because he sees this as them just adjusting to their new life with him
- They won’t be tied up or anything, mostly because he knows he could definitely beat them if they were to ever rush at him or try to run for the door/phone
- He’ll have moments of intense clinginess where he just refuses to let go of them because he gets emotional at the thought of them ever leaving him
- They’ll just be sitting in the basement and he’ll be talking about wedding plans
- He’s not the best cook so his crush shouldn’t be expecting great meals but he puts in a lot of effort for them because he wants their happiness more than anything, unless that happiness means letting them go
2p Denmark:
- He doesn’t interact with many people so his crush will end up just being someone that catches his eye that he decides to follow
- He’ll stalk them, for the most part, not doing much other than keeping an eye on them and all of their daily habits to see if it’s someone he could see himself being with
- He’ll knock them out in their home before kidnapping them, he doesn’t want them making a huge fuss and attracting attention
- They’ll either stay in the basement or in the attic as both are soundproof and he isn’t too sure if he wants them being anywhere with a phone or anywhere someone who comes over is likely to look
- Ties them up in the basement, he doesn’t want them moving around too much or kicking things and making a mess
- They hit and he’ll hit back twice as hard but screaming in the same room is fine as he’ll just put on some noise-cancelling headphones and ignore them
- Just goes down to the basement with a drink and scrolls through his phone rather than actually talking to them or paying them much mind until they decide to stop screaming and calm down
- If they ask “Why are you doing this?” then he’ll answer with something like “Stalking you was getting tedious, but you don’t move anywhere here.”
- When he trusts them enough to go out with him, he’ll hold their hand and is not against breaking it if he thinks they’re going to run
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doctorgerth · 5 years ago
Buggy with a female SO, both sfw and nsfw if possible? Silly clown needs more love.
Oooh a Buggy request!! Yes absolutely, hope you like it 🤡❣️
Romantic HCs: Buggy (Fluff + Filth)
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- Buggy in a happy, committed relationship is probably the best Buggy you could ever get
- he’s still flashy of course, but he’s less prone to danger and lying his ass off
- Buggy stays out of danger purposefully in order to keep his woman safe; but he ain’t scared to fight anyone who tries to hurt her 
- lemme tell you, he likes to think he wears the pants in the relationship, but he is completely, 100% whipped for his partner
- he will do whatever it takes to keep her happy! and everyone knows he’s whipped lmao they make fun of him for it and Buggy always defends himself in the most Buggy way of course
- he’s also a lil shy bean when it comes to affection with his lady
- Buggy loves it and cannot get enough of her touch but oh my goodness if she lays one more sweet hand on him he’s gonna explode; he’s just not used to this kind of intimacy
- he’s especially shy with PDA (unless he’s the one initiating) he gets super blushy when his lover gets all touchy and cutesy with him in front of others
- but he also loves to show her off, specifically wrapping his arm proudly around her waist or having her sit in his lap
- now, Buggy isn’t the best with emotions…going off that, he doesn’t really know how to handle crying or other sad feelings
- not that Buggy doesn’t get sad, he’s just not the best at consoling other people when they’re sad?
- either way, he usually just tries to make a fool of himself in front of his partner to try and get her to laugh, praying that it’ll work
- though he rocks the look, Buggy doesn’t like being referred to as a clown, but honestly? if that’s what she needs to cheer up he will be glad to act the part for them
- he’s been so used to people making fun of his nose all his life, so he’s very sensitive about it obvs
- the first time she kisses his nose!!!!!! he’s hooked for life; nose kisses are his favorite kisses and he goes red every time 
- Buggy needs a partner that will stroke his ego, since he’s actually a lil insecure on the inside; so boost him up when he needs it, but he probably needs someone to keep him grounded as well 
- we all know Buggy likes to lie or exaggerate situations, but you would never catch him doing that around his partner
- no need since they see right through him anyhow
- playing with each other’s hair is a favorite pastime for the couple; Buggy offers great hair care advice, his hair is soooo soft
- Buggy is super loyal and is honestly prone to a bit of jealousy, so just be careful who you surround yourself with
- though he wouldn’t admit it, he is also super clingy and needs lots of attention lol sometimes you have to remind him to give you some space; he gets a lil pouty but he loves you and he understands
- he’s also a lil diva so expect lots of sass wars (he wins every time smh)
- Buggy is an awesome partner to have; he’s loving, loyal, and proud to have you; he will do whatever it takes to keep you happy, safe, and in love with him at all costs! life is never boring with this man
- Buggy honestly hasn’t had much experience in the love-making department; he definitely gets the gist of it, but learning how to please his partner is something that takes time 
- you have to be patient with him as he learns his way around your body; not to mention he’s a nervous mess to be so intimate with you, so just guide him and everything will fall into place for him
- your first time together is definitely a disaster lol but he’s more than willing to practice with you whenever you want
- in fact, his eagerness to get it right is what makes everything so fun and ultimately pleasurable for you
- you would think Buggy would be selfish in the bedroom (at times he can be) but he doesn’t like the idea of not being able to get you off, so he will work your body to the point of exhaustion but dammit he will make you cum!
- also, Buggy looks ridiculous most of the time, but naked Buggy?? he’s got a body he’s quite proud of and big strong arms to wrap around and hold you in place, also long, strong legs that can hold you up easily 
- he also got a lil bit of a booty and he fusses when you grab at it but there’s no way you’re ever going to stop 
- and his penis is pretty average, but he learns how to work it specifically for you
- the gloves stay on during sexy times
- once Buggy finally learns the ropes he gets a little cocky with himself, but how could he not when you’re writhing underneath him and screaming his name with utmost pleasure?
- he knows that only he can make you feel this good, and he loves to prove this point over and over again, making you scream to the point the whole ship can hear you
- it’s scarring because Buggy is just as loud, if not louder, than you lmao 
- he needs to hear you scream his name; as I’ve mentioned, please stroke his ego, it makes him feel like the manliest man alive when you’re whining and begging for him and only him
- he’s not an overly kinky guy, but he’s into exploring different things with you
- he’s pretty into bondage, mostly tying you up, and lost of orgasm denial 
- also, there’s no point in buying a dildo when he can just detach his penis and use it as one, plus it’s pleasure for both of you so hell yeah
- lots of detaching body parts during sexy times; he gets off watching you use his body for masturbation 
- Buggy is good mix of it all, passionate, rough, intimate, teasing, it all just depends on his mood 
- he’s also determined to fuck you in every single room of his ship, no corner shall be left unfucked 
- a total tit guy; he loves your ass too, but there’s something just wonderful about your tits; he’s mega into motorboating and titty fucking 
- a wonderful lover once he learns your body; then no one could ever touch you as good as he does 👌🏻👌🏻
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nukagalreacts · 6 years ago
For Anonymous who requested F04 companions who see Sole’s face for the first time and it’s badly scarred from their time in the military before the bombs dropped Part-One!
Here is part one of the react I hope you all enjoy it! And thank you as always for the request
X6-88: Sole had already told him about their weariness to have their mask off within the Institute because here everyone was so perfect, no flaws, not even the smallest of scars can be found on anyone’s skin. Will and Sole, they had to many scars to count covering most of their once perfect face, one of the many ill conceived memories from their time in the military they wore on the outside, forced to constantly confront the nightmares from a much darker time. X6 told them no one would dare to think of them differently or see these scars as some hideous fault, what mattered was the new leadership they provided here. He could understand the discomfort though and was happy to give Sole the option and suggestion of taking them to talk to the Institutes team of medical staff who could give Sole a new fresh face if they so desired. Sole could have cried at getting the chance to start over, it wasn’t that they were ashamed or thought they were ugly they just hated the memories the scars brought back and they wanted to wake up and not have horrible flashbacks every time they looked at their face. X6 was all too happy to stay beside Sole the whole time once they finally took the mask off and let the doctors evaluate them and go over what they would be doing, it was the happiest they had been in a long time.  
Cait: She was a bit weirded out by the fact she hadn’t seen Sole’s face once since they met in the combat zone, and at first it didn’t matter but it started to annoy Cait. When she questioned why they insisted on always wearing that blasted gas mask they noticed Sole seemed to grow uncomfortable and weirdly quiet. They told her there face was pretty messed up from fighting in the war before the bombs and they had been rather self conscious about it all their lives, even when they had been with their spouse they had always tried to cover up the scars with makeup. Cait feels a bit bad for her outburst and tells Sole they understand if they want to keep it on, but honestly no one in the wasteland is going to care everyone out here is fucked up one way or another. Sole agrees and decides to take the thing off and Cait can clearly see a huge mass of scars that clearly never healed correctly scattered all over their face. Cait assures them that the scars make them look badass and if anything they show that Sole is a survivor and can take on anything that comes their way.
Codsworth: He has always known how Sole goes to great lengths to cover up the scars they got while serving in the military and he doesn’t understand why they do it, because to him they are a badge of honor, a sign of the sacrifices they had to make. Sole was tired of people always staring at them though and being nosy or making assumptions about why they have these scars, so they hid behind a mask now and rarely took it off unless to eat or bathe. Codsworth constantly reassured Sole that there was no shame in the scars and they shouldn’t have to hide, and if anyone dared to say any words with ill intent towards them he wouldn't be afraid to take care of them for Sole. This boosted Sole’s confidence enough that they began to wear the mask less and less until they decided to never wear it again.    
Curie (synth): She was the one who asked Sole why they always kept their face covered the earliest, because she didn’t like not being able to see someone’s face. A face was what conveyed emotion and how Curie was use to reading people when she met them, and that had been hard to do when she first encountered Sole and she had asked about it not even 3 weeks later. Sole said there face use to freak people out in the world before the bombs, hell they even made a few kids cry when they looked at their face. They told her the story of how they had served in the military for years before the bombs dropped and on a mission gone wrong there face got pretty messed up and was covered in old scars. Curie gave Sole’s shoulder an affectionate squeeze and told them they never had to hide around her, and scars should never be anything to be ashamed of. When Sole took off the mask it was nice to have someone not flinch for once at how rough their face looked and say that they still looked nice and where a good person regardless of how others perceive them.
Danse: It made him a bit uneasy that he had never seen Sole’s face even when they first met he never got a glimpse of it. When they were out on a mission for the Brotherhood and his curiosity got the better of him he asked why they always had that mask on. Sole got really quiet and kinda slowed down the pace of their walking and looked over at Danse asking if he really wanted to know the answer. Danse frowned and asked if something bad happened to them in the past to make them think they had to hide away. Sole said yes it was actually, back when they were in the military before the bombs they hadn’t been careful enough and had been caught by the enemy and they had tortured them for information, eventually they had been rescued but there face had all but been ruined from the encounter. Danse said he was sorry but told Sole they were brave for never giving in to the enemy and doing their country proud, and such a sacrifice shouldn’t have them hiding behind a mask. Sole knew he was right and they were tired of hiding so they took it off ready for some horrible reaction from Danse, but when he looked at their face he didn’t see anything ugly about them, all he saw was a true soldier willing to do what others could not.
Deacon: He could tell that Sole used their gas mask the way he used all his disguises and face changes, to hide themselves away and make them unseen in a crowd. So at first he didn’t pry about it, but as time went on he couldn’t stop himself from trying to find out what Sole hid under that mask so when they were alone he found a way to bring up the subject. He could immediately see Sole was anxious to even think about talking about this, and he told them they didn’t have to and it was okay if they just forgot about him even asking. Sole trusted Deacon though and figured with how much they had been through and all the stuff he told them about his life they owed him the truth. Sole took off the mask not saying anything at first and just looking straight into Deacon’s eyes he kept so well hidden behind those sunglasses. Deacon just reached out a hand and gently touched the many scars that marred Soles face and they told him how this happened when they had been in the military. Deacon said this didn’t change anything about them that scars or no scars, they were still Sole and he cared about them because of who they were not because of how they looked, but he had to admit they looked hot scars in all.
Dogmeat: Sole never wore a mask around Dogmeat because they knew their four legged friend didn’t care what they looked like. Sometimes he caught Sole staring into a mirror for a little too long or fussing over the scars on their face and he hated seeing his master get upset over it! So he would always distract them by tugging on their jacket sleeve and barking for them to come and play with him, which usually got Sole’s mind off of it and made them happy again. Dogmeat also made sure to give Sole lot’s of good face kisses when ever he got the chance to remind them that he always loved them the most!       
Thanks y’all for reading and part 2 should be out tomorrow so stay tuned!
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xivu-arath · 5 years ago
a tess and whirl fic for @rorykillmore! this was meant to be a gift fic but then life happened and I couldn’t write for most of the year,,, I’ve been picking at it in bits since then, because what I’d gotten done had been good and this is a rp dynamic I’m still very fond of, so I wanted to give them a good, shared reunion!
In this moment, as much as he’s ever wanted anything, he wants to seem cool and put together and... not quite the bot she remembers from that other, messed up Earth.
“What do you think, Whirl?” Cyclonus asks, in his slow and brooding way. Typical Cyclonus – there’s Meaning there. They trail behind Tailgate for a moment, and Cyclonus shoots him a stern look, one that would pin lesser bots (and ones that didn’t know he was such a softy) in their tracks.
Whirl tilts his head, feigning innocence. “Eh?”
Ahead of them, the official is still droning on about building layouts and regulations, so Whirl feels pretty safe in ignoring him completely. Between being guided by someone who clearly thinks that as robots, they have to enjoy precise and exacting details and the tension itching under his plating, he hasn’t exactly been trying to pay attention. If Cyclonus and Tailgate guess that he’s struggling to not make terrible and impulsive decisions, they don’t say anything about it, and Tailgate’s more than happy to play tourist anyways. After all the fuss about this Cybertronian sanctuary on a figuratively new Earth, it only makes sense to actually go and check it out, but something about it makes Whirl twitchy.
Well, not something. He’s got a pretty good idea of what it is, and he’s not exactly up for talking about his feelings today, not with these two. There’s a balance here and it’s precious and important – more important than his problems. He’s not going to disrupt it just for the sake of being less sharp-edged and jittery.
Sure, there are no fights to pick and no people to antagonize (unless he goes looking for Megatron, and he’s not that desperate just yet) but he’s had practice being the nice Autobot who doesn’t blow people up for looking at him wrong, lately. He can handle a few days of... this.
This being what so many Cybertronians would be eager for. A place they can call their own – kind of – without all the messes and scars of what they’ve done – sort of – and a lot of people paying attention in case someone snaps and starts making superweapons or trying to cyberform the planet. It’s a place for ‘bots that have nowhere else, with just scorched ground behind them. In theory, it’s great.
“Whirl,” Cyclonus says again, and he pulls ahead a little, to make up for being caught thinking.
“I mean... it’s nice, in a settle down and retire kind of way. It makes sense, you two starting to feel your age,” he chirps, trying to get in a dig before they really think something’s up. “But settling down, playing nice... it’s just not me, you know? Anyways, I bet they don’t even allow–” He casts around for something more interesting than the humourless agents overseeing the sanctuary’s opening, just in case there’s something he can deflect to – or better yet, distract Tailgate with, which would in turn distract Cyclonus, a tactic that’s as useful as it is absolutely sweet – and his optic passes over a small group of humans following yet another agent, adorably small against the Cybertronian-sized hallway.
Is that...? He stops walking completely and Cyclonus takes a few steps only to turn back with a quiet grunt. Whirl ignores him, optic narrowing as he leans forward. The sharp current of not belonging here stays, an itch at the back of his spark, but it’s now sharing room with something else, just as prickly but much brighter.
“Is there a problem?” he hears their guide say, stiff and careful, and Tailgate adds another question but it might as well have been static for all he’s listening by now. Without quite meaning to, he moves, transforming to rush towards the group and then drop back to the ground. He hooks a claw onto the wall as he lands, partly to steady such a fast transition and partly for style points.
Most of the group stumbles back, leaving Tess standing alone, looking up at him with open, obvious surprise.
In this moment, as much as he’s ever wanted anything, he wants to seem cool and put together and... not quite the bot she remembers from that other, messed up Earth. Not that it’ll matter. She’s always been a bit too good at seeing through that kind of mask.
“Well, I never!” he sings out. “It is you.”
The DEO agent, after complaining extensively about how he has a job to do and things are chaotic enough without Cybertronians going off-course to have sudden reunions – Whirl doesn’t bother telling him that he should wait to see what Cybertronian reunions are like! – does show them to a cozy little lounge.
Tess looks about as composed as someone can be when shorter than all the furniture surrounding her. Even the way she stands there, head up and arms folded, is familiar, sparking all sorts of fond feelings of relief and delight that Whirl would really much rather ignore. He doesn’t know what to do with them, after all.
Less fond is the way Cyclonus is frowning sternly at her, but he frowns sternly at everything, so that’s okay.
“So,” he says. “The two of you knew each other when you were both trapped in this alternate Earth.”
“That’s right.” She pauses, eyeing him and Tailgate – who’s perched on a minibot sized chair, and is just a little over her head. “Which you both seem to be taking pretty well.”
“It’s not that different from everything else we’ve been through, honestly,” Tailgate says, ticking off on his fingers. “How many alternate things have we visited by now? There was that quantum jump, that terrible Functionist Cybertron, Swearth of course....”
“...Should I even ask?”
“Best don’t,” Whirl tells her, taking some weird pride in how quickly Tess’s expression changes to bemused weariness. Even compared to... rift-Earth, the Lost Light and the trouble it found will always be something else. “It takes even longer to explain Swearth than the others, and we’d need months at least to go into the actual quest.” Which seems less appealing by the second. That trip to the past, that horrific what-if of Cybertron, all the Matrix stuff... it cuts too close to the spark. Best not to get into it.
“What little of it there was,” Cyclonus says, all grumbling scorn, and returns to glowering into the wall behind her.
It’s Tess’s turn to eye him, raising an eyebrow. “And the two of you are also part of the crew –”
“We’re his friends!” Tailgate breaks in, and Whirl hurriedly looks away, but not before he catches surprise flickering across her face again.
“A Cybertronian refuge without the shadow of the war or its factions, holds some interest for us.” He’s not looking but he can feel Cyclonus’s gaze on him now, and his plating bristles up defensively. So yeah, he has friends and they spend all their time being up in his business. It’s hardly fair. “Whirl was... keeping us company.”
“Because I owe them for a few dozen rescues, back on the Lost Light,” he says airily, waving a claw. “And besides, I like playing the annoying third wheel.”
“Of course,” Tess says, lips tugging into a faint smile. “It’s... a pleasure to meet you both, regardless.”
“You too!” Tailgate says, optics brightening, and then slides off of his seat. “Why don’t we let you two catch up? We can keep looking around – you can comm us when you’re done.”
It only takes a few more polite pleasantries (and one open threat to tear up the room) before they walk off hand in hand and Whirl’s left to fiddle with his claws, sneaking looks down at Tess and suddenly out of anything to say. Should he ask how she’s been? But that’s so polite, and then she’ll know he’s feeling weird about this, and ughhhh.
Happy reunions aren’t supposed to happen to him. He doesn’t know how to deal with them.
It’s virtually impossible for him to be quiet for too long, though, so he seizes on the first thing he can think of. “So! You’re still doing the whole corporate empire thing? Going to take over the world, capitalist-style?”
Tess grimaces at him – admittedly a carefully restrained one – and with that he feels a little less overwhelmed. “Yes, exactly,” she says, voice dry. “LuthorCorp might become a sponsor for the sanctuary, actually. I’m here on an introductory tour.” She pauses, probably mulling something over. “I first considered it because of you, actually.”
“Don’t just say things like that! I’ll start to think you actually care.” It’s... sweet that she thought of him, but he has to at least make some effort to push it aside.
For all that it’s been so long – years for both of them, he’d guess – she catches on all the same. “And we can’t have that,” she replies, sardonic without missing a beat. It drains back out of her voice just as quickly. “It is good to see you, Whirl. And it’s good to see that... things have changed.” He tilts his head, optic narrowing in surprise, and Tess doesn’t bother to mince words. “You used to tell me that most of the crew wanted you dead.”
He had, hadn’t he? And he’d been right, then.
“They did! Right up until... some of them didn’t. They changed their minds without even consulting me about it.”
She smiles, the expression distant. “I think I might know the feeling.”
That’s all the sincere reconnecting he can take, and he leans forward, doing that obnoxious looming thing that freaks out anyone underfoot. Not Tess, of course. She’d become immune to it after a month of knowing him. “Well, I’m not going to stay, but at least now it was worth dragging my aft out here –”
“You won’t?” Her expression is so openly surprised and troubled that he lets her interrupt, and his vocalizer stutters. Not good. He needs to find something outrageous to say, fast.
“As if a ‘bot like me deserves to end up here,” he says, meaning it in several ways and knowing she’ll catch all of them.
Tess frowns up at him, not quite sad and not quite stern. It’s the kind of look that just sits wrong, like it shouldn’t be directed at him in the first place. “Will Cyclonus and Tailgate be staying here?”
“They like it,” he mutters, optic narrowing. “I don’t know. Maybe. For a while.”
She lets that hang in the air for a second, so at least he can brace himself before she starts briskly hitting him with facts. “They seemed happy enough to have you with them. Even as a... dedicated third wheel.”
“You met them for ten minutes.” Whirl doesn’t bother trying to stifle the synthetic whine in his voice. Let him sound annoyed and plaintive. Maybe it’ll get this over with faster.
“They admitted to being your friends in that time,” she reminds him, and there’s nothing he can say to that. Sure, he’s nearly killed them before, and they’ll probably risk it again trying to do friendly things like helping with his problems, and that’s just... life, now! Like the war being truly over, or Megatron developing a sense of guilt, just another thing that feels like exposed circuitry sparking up when he’s least expecting it.
Whirl pinches his claws together and rocks his weight back, folding up like one of those Earth birds that’s all legs and neck and beak.
“You know,” Tess says, suddenly thoughtful in a way that sounds like the leadup to a terrible idea, “I’m sure if there were Cybertronians causing trouble regularly and LutherCorp did become a sponsor, I’d have to pay a visit. To make sure our views align with that of the sanctuary and its image, of course.” Her smile is tucked away and downright conspiratorial. “Just something to think about.”
“That’s a bribe!” he says, delighted and flattered. “Tess Mercer, bribing me to hang out on Earth. Imagine that.”
“I’m a lot busier, nowadays. I had to make sure we have some way of catching up.” She hesitates. “And to give you another reason that might be... easier.”
Whirl’s had enough experience now with the whole people not wanting him to go and die to not say or do anything stupid in response, but it’s a close thing. He still has to reset his vocalizer a few times and clear it with a big buzz of static before he can trust his voice to sound anywhere close to how he wants it to.
“Well, if you’re going to go to all the trouble of making business decisions just so I can piss people off for a few months... sure, count me in.” He crouches down and leans in close, his optic hovering only a bit above her head. “And you know, we might be doing this whole peace and healing thing now, but if you ever need anyone stepped on or shot up....” It’s probably half a joke.
“I’ll know where to find you,” she says, unconcerned and unflappable because it’s Tess.
They shake on it like it’s a proper deal, her hand wrapped around the very tip of one claw. By the time Cyclonus and Tailgate wander back in – late as usual, the saps – the stinging ache of not being right is just a little closer to an echo.
It’s enough, for now.
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maraudersandlily20 · 7 years ago
An Evening Cup of Tea
Molly was in the kitchen, trying to ignore the rancid smell coming from outside. Charlie and Billy had captured a goat in the back field and were determined to keep it as a pet. However, Molly had been increasingly sick during this pregnancy and the pungent animal was not helping.
“I can’t wait to get you out, Ronald,” She said, caressing her growing belly. She checked the clock, half past eight, and wondered where the young mister Lupin was. He had told her he would be in town for a meeting at the ministry and wondered if she’d like to have tea with him. She had grown terribly fond of the gangly boy during Order meetings and he had taken to her like a cat to cream. But he had scheduled the tea for eight, and he was nowhere in sight. Molly knew that ministry workings could take longer than expected, but worried regardless.
She wondered if she should contact him through his coin, but figured he must have a pretty good reason for his tardiness. Remus Lupin was not known for being late without cause. As she debated what to do, there was a timid knock on the door. It must be him, she thought, her face brightening. She got up from her chair and waddled over to the door and upon throwing it open, audibly gasped.
It was in fact Remus, but he was being supported by Arthur who looked rather grave. Remus’ face was bloody, his eye swollen shut, and was holding his arm tenderly against his stomach as if afraid to jostle it. Molly bustled out of the way as her husband guided the beaten man into the house and onto the couch. Remus sat down, hard, and winced at the feeling. Arthur turned and gave Molly a swift embrace and a kiss.
“Evening, Molly dear. Are all the boys down?”
She nodded, aghast as she studied the young man who was slouching into her couch. “I got the twins down a bit ago, though they certainly made a fuss. Percy and Charlie are both asleep, and Bill is finishing his book. He only had a chapter left, so I told him it was alright. He should be about done by now.”
Arthur nodded. “Very well. I suppose I’ll go up and check on the lot. The medical supplies are in the cupboard, love.”
“Aright. Try not to wake them!”
He smiled grimly before walking up the large staircase. With his absence, Molly turned once again to Remus, who gave her a split lipped smile.
“Sorry I’m late, Molly. The uh… the traffic was just terrible.”
The woman rolled her eyes. “Despite the fact that you are bloody and bruised, Mr. Lupin, you still have the nerve to make ridiculous jokes.”
“Ridiculous?” He sputtered, pretending to be offended as Molly headed off to find her wand and some bandages. “If I had told that joke to your husband, he would be roaring with laughter. Muggle jokes like that are all the rage these days, Molly, didn’t you know?” He was cheeky, but she could hear the pain laced in his words.
“I’m not my husband,” she retorted, coming back into the room with her supplies. “I don’t care about silly muggle jokes. I do care that my sweet Remus is sitting on my couch looking a bloody mess and he doesn’t seem to mind it.” He grimaced. “So… What happened? You weren’t on mission, I know that much. You would have told me. And don’t lie to be either or I’ll box your ears. What happened?”
Remus pulled his back up straighter against the couch and shut his remaining eye. “Nothing too drastic, I suppose. I was in the ministry, as you know, reporting on my findings of Fenrir’s pack. I’ve been working for Albus and the ministry in this regard, and it’s been going rather well. However, I suppose a few of my fellow wizards must have seen me exiting the Lycanthropy offices and made the connection. They jumped me in the alley outside of the entrance. Nothing I’m not used to Molly. No need to get overly anxious.”
Molly glared at him, knowing this couldn’t be the full story. “So they just beat you senseless on the off chance you may be a werewolf?”
He shrugged before reaching back and massaging his shoulder. “We… exchanged a few words. The usual, “monster, murderer, no good piece of wolf filth”. Like I said, nothing I haven’t heard before.”
“I suspect you didn’t defend yourself?”
Remus gave her a sharp look. “Really, Molly, I thought you knew me better than that.” She swatted at him, making him laugh, which then made him wince. Molly picked up a dampened cloths and ran it over his marred face. The blood was slowly washed away from his skin and she could see the deep bruises beginning to form over his eye and along his jaw.
“I asked them to stop,” he said, his voice quiet. “I didn’t think a mobbing outside of the ministry would make for very good news, but politeness of one against the anger of five doesn’t seem to accomplish much.”
“You need to learn how to fight back, Remus.”
He shook his head. “I can’t.” he whispered. “If I fight back, if I turn against our own people, then I become exactly what they want me to be. I don’t want that. People hate werewolves enough as it is. There’s no need to add fuel to the fire for any reason.”
It was a sound argument, one that Remus had made many times. However, the ideology behind it didn’t make taking the beatings any easier. His body was exhausted and he sunk against the cushions, allowing Molly to heal him in any way she could. She put his arm in a sling and bandaged any cuts he had. She wrote an owl to the Order doctor, asking for bone repair potions, and then set about making tea. When the tea was ready, she carried it on a tray and placed it before him.
“So,” she began the conversation again, “they called you names, jumped you… anything else?”
He leaned forward to pick up his tea, trying to ignore his shaking hand. “They pushed me around a bit, one man even spat on me. The nerve of that. I don’t mind the rest, but it’s just poor manners to go around spitting on people. I mean, who goes to that length? It’s disgusting.”
He was joking of course, which made Molly smile, but she felt genuinely worried. Remus was taking the whole ordeal rather lightly and it caused a spark of curiosity to flare up and she wondered how often Remus dealt with this sort of abuse from the wizarding community. It was no secret that werewolves were despised, but many had been turned against their will, like Remus, and were taking the necessary steps to keep the rest of the world safe. She thought, if anything, they deserved more respect than they were given.
“So besides the spitting, the rest of the beating was rather routine?” Remus snorted.
“I suppose so. One chap gave me a few good kicks to the ribs, and I think one or two may be broken. But they’ve been broken before and no doubt will be again. So, I’m not too worried.”
Molly nodded, deciding not to ask how many times his ribs had been broken, or why either. “And what happened after?”
“When they had gotten their say out in the air, the five of them ran off. Not sure why. I knew I was late to tea by that point, but luckily, they hadn’t taken my wand or anything. So I got up, walked out of the alley, and who should I run into but your husband, making his way out of the ministry from work. He gathered me up and we aparated here. No fuss about it. Unlike you, Mrs. Weasley.” Remus’ joking nature warmed Molly’s heart and she knew he held her with great affection.
“Well, I’m glad Arthur found you and brought you to me. Even though you were late, I suppose I can forgive you.” She smiled and lifted her tea cup in a cheering motion. He echoed the move.
“Enough about me and my mediocre day. How are you? How are the boys? And little Ronald? Also, I believe I saw a goat outside, which is a new development.”
Molly groaned, having forgotten about the goat. “It’s Bill and Charlie’s new project, apparently, to see if they can train the goat to do tricks. I suspect it won’t last long, but in the meantime, I get to smell the awful thing because he’s tied up right next to my kitchen. “
Remus let out a snort before clutching his ribs again.
“The boys are all well, of course,” she continued, choosing to ignore his expression of pain, which seemed to be what he wanted. “Bill is getting closer to getting his letter, and it’s about all he can talk about. Charlie is incredibly jealous, feels like he’s getting left behind and I wonder how he’ll take it when Bill actually goes.”
The man on her couch squinted, as if trying to remember something. “And uh… how old are your kids again?”
“The twins are two, Percy is four, Charlie is seven and Bill is nine.”
Remus nodded at her answer. “You certainly enjoy popping out children, don’t you Molly.” They shared a quick laugh and she shrugged.
“Children are good. They are medicine for the world. Speaking of, how is dear Lily fairing? I know she faced a difficult few months with the morning sickness.”
“Oh, she’s doing much better. She can actually eat now, and has been doing so with ferocity. She’s finally showing as well, much to her dismay. But James is overjoyed. They’re so excited for the little one, it’s like they can barely contain it.”
Molly was smiling as he spoke and gently rubbing her belly. “The first is always the hardest and most exciting. Learning how to care for that small little being is the best gift any parent could ask for. I’ll have to ask her if she needs any supplies. I have plenty.”
“I think that would be appreciated. Since Lily had to cut herself out of her family’s life, she’s been a bit depressed. The baby is the only positive thing she can hold on to.”
“Aw, poor dears.” Molly murmured. And they continued talking like that for a few hours, discussing everything from secret missions to Arthur’s work in muggle studies to how to grow tulips that could change color. When the clock read 11 p.m., Remus yawned wide. Molly noticed and began gathering up the tea cups.
“No, Molly!” He protested. “I can do that.”
She waved him off. “Stay where you are, Remus Lupin. I can handle a few tea cups and you’ve been seriously hurt. You’ll stay right there unless I say differently.” He raised his free hand in surrender and smiled fondly after the woman.
“Molly?” he called. She turned to look at him, inquisitively. “Would it be alright if I stayed here tonight? I just… am a little sore still and don’t know if I can manage apparating home at the moment.”
“Of course, dear. You can sleep there on that couch. I’ll grab you a few blankets and I’ll send an owl to Sirius so he doesn’t worry. That boy stays up much too late, so I’m sure he’ll get it.”
“Thank you.” Remus said, maneuvering his body until he was laying down on the couch. “Would you also ask him if he could here in the morning to get me? I think it may be easier to apparate if I’m not alone.” Molly agreed and wrote the letter before sending it off. When that was done, she bustled around the living room, cleaning the bandages and clothes from the medical kit and the searching for a blanket. When she came back in the room, Remus was fast asleep. She smiled at him, warmth in her eyes. She was grateful for the young man’s friendship and was anxious to keep him safe.
The fact that he had been so horribly mistreated by strangers irked her to no end. She thought quickly of ways to help him, but came up with nothing. She laid a thick blanket against his body and made sure it was tucked in tight before flicking the lights off. She was incredibly fond of him and wished she could keep him safe.
When the house, though always unkempt, had a little bit of order to it, Molly headed up the stairs to join her husband in bed.
“Awful isn’t it?” Arthur asked as Molly pulled on her nightgown. “Beating a man you don’t even know for something he has no control over. It’s just not right. I don’t know what the world is coming to these days.” He kept writing in his journal as he spoke with his thoughtful frown.
“You’re an idealist, love.” Molly answered. “People have always been afraid of things they don’t understand. The world is a changing place and sometimes we’re not ready for it. But Remus is strong. He’ll come out alright.”
Arthur nodded and pushed the sheets back so his pregnant wife could climb into bed. She smiled gratefully and leaned over to kiss his cheek before pushing herself deep into the blankets. “We’ll have to be prepared for an angry Sirius Black in the morning,” she said, already feeling groggy.
Arthur groaned. “I supposed he’ll fly in with a fury such as we’ve never seen. Why did you tell him?”
“Remus asked me to. Didn’t want him to worry. I just hope he doesn’t come in the middle of the night. Remus is tired enough as it is and he needs his rest.”
“Sirius knows that. I’m sure he’ll respect his wishes.” Arthur said, reaching over and flicking his lamp off. “But I’m sure he’ll be here bright and early.”
Molly smiled, her eyes already shut. “It’s good they’ve found each other. Love in war is hard, but if they can survive this, they can survive anything. Besides, life would be no fun if they didn’t have to deal with even more prejudices.”
Her husband smiled and rolled his eyes. “You, Molly Weasley, are one sarcastic, cynical woman.”
“I know,” came her sleepy reply. “Hopefully it doesn’t rub off on my children.”
Hi kiddos! I got this cute idea from @thethingsofthethings! Thank you so much for the birthday wishes and the great ideas, my love! I hope you enjoy this!
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sussex-nature-lover · 5 years ago
Monday 6th July 2020 - Dennis part 2, the cast of thousands (OK, just a few)
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Link to Part 1
It’s good fun choosing names, but it’s a big responsibility too. Why Dennis? Well the cat needed a name other than THE BLACK CAAAAT. I guess he must’ve had a name at some time in his early life, but we’ll never know what it was, which is kind of a shame, although he had the name we gave him for most of his life.
Through work, OH and I both knew an older gentleman called Dennis and  by personality he was more demanding and precise than the top honours graduate from the University of Precise Things in Precise Land (loose Black Adder reference. Very loose) We knew him for years and he was always the same.
I had a dream about him, the man, one night. I dreamt that he and his wife went Christmas shopping at the Bluewater centre and that he left her to browse while he prowled and inspected the loading bays of all the big stores, like House of Fraser and Marks and Spencer and reorganised them, putting everything to rights, telling them just where they were going wrong and where and how things should be stored properly to his precise standards. It was one of those vivid dreams that stay with you.
When the Black Cat first investigated our kitchen, he was just the same, sniffing at every little thing and giving it ‘ the look’ for all the world conveying ‘That Shouldn’t Be There’ every time something new, like a bag of shopping, came in.
I learned that cats don’t like change much, or for things to be moved, but he was so measured it was funny to watch and ‘that shouldn’t be there’ became his catchphrase. I gather this is something a lot of cats do, but like I said, we’re not cat people.
We felt sorry for him in the very wet and exceptionally bitter winter of 2006 and he really didn’t seem to have anywhere else to be, so slowly, very gradually, he just moved in. We moved his silver food dish just inside the patio doors so he would be sheltered as he ate and put down a blanket if he wanted to make use of it.  The first night he stayed inside was very strange, but he simply got his head down. He didn’t venture into the house beyond the corner of the kitchen door for a long time.
When he was well settled in, he’d do an inspection prowl in the evening, check the other downstairs rooms and very occasionally upstairs, although the one room in the house he never ever entered was our bedroom. The Utility Room became his ‘ensuite’ and he had a hidey home in three spots...behind the sofa in the drawing room, in between two chairs in the sitting room and under the bed in Ms NatureWatch 1’s old bedroom. OH and I learned to live with frequent sneezing and extra vacuuming. He didn’t like the doorbell at all and there were certain people who’d come to work at the house, like the man who services the drainage tank - a very nice man as it happens - but something about his voice would send D into hiding for the whole day.
Just Dennis wasn’t a strong enough name for a cat who had some impressive abilities and so over time it progressed to become Dennis The Amazing Wonder Cat...much more fitting. Sometimes he was here and then, pooft he was gone, or he was back, just like that. Amazing. He was a stealth cat.
Getting to know him better, his back story slowly revealed itself, like Skimbleshanks, Dennis was a Railway Cat and had a similar character, but a much more elevated status, in his previous incarnation as the original investigator and author of the canal and rail guides published under his nom du plume of Bradshaw.
Not only that but it was later revealed that he’d risen to an exceptional rank in the Royal Navy and later been the unique subject of a drive-by Knighting when HM Queen Elizabeth visited Newhaven Port on 31st October 2013, which, coincidentally was Dennis’s 14th birthday (we approximated his age when we first got to know him and designated his birthday, what with being a Black Cat Halloween seemed fitting)
So there we have him, in all his glory, Sir Dennis Horatio Amazing Wonder Cat of Bradshaw, Lord High Admiral of the Fleet. RIP.
Try repeating that twice over the phone to the Vet’s Receptionist.
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He was a funny old boy, he hated strangers but put up with me and came to be OH’s great pal. He was very dignified and didn’t like to be disrespected. One time I mistakenly bought cat biscuits for kittens and he wouldn’t eat them, so I cunningly mixed them in with his regular biscuits, only to find he picked every ‘kitten bit’ out and discarded it. That told me! I bought him toys, including a mouse, to play with. He took one look at it and went outdoors, returning a couple of minutes later with an actual mouse. Aaaaaagh. His expression? ‘Call that a mouse? that orange bit of fluff? NO, this is a mouse’ I was firmly put in my place once more.
He never made any mess, never got on any furniture except outdoors - he did requisition empty boxes mind and he was very quiet, just occasionally hissing at the fox and in later years miaowing for a little bit of fuss as he lay by the side of OH’s chair. Otherwise he’d get your attention by stealth, creeping up and sitting silently behind you as you prepared food. He loved a little bit of cheese or some hand carved ham.
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He put up with our daughter’s two cats when they holidayed here and two other cats and a kitten which we fostered for quite a while.  Did I say we’re not cat people?
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The Dodger and Dennis, inside and out. A kitten who was lost in our garden. Eventually we managed to trace the owner and reunite them
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Socks (the only animal we’ve ever had who gained an obvious kind of name, but not an obvious way of saying it) who was abandoned by a family in our lane who moved away. We fostered him for 8 months and I loved him. He was re-homed by a local cat rescue for us. I cried buckets when he left, but he was quite a handful and his presence could be stressful at times for Dennis, not to mention ‘Katoing’ OH when he came in from work.
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Dennis (left) and Herbie (Right) - so called because he was found in the herb patch, which is only obvious if you know that fact.
As with the kitten, we looked after Herbie and advertised locally, contacted vets and used word of mouth but no one came forward to claim him. Again, we fostered him and got him vet checked with the help of a local charity and he was eventually found a nice new home.
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<Massive Tangent because it always makes me smile> 
Miss NatureWatch the Younger, when she was a toddler, got quite upset because she was fancying some ‘Herbie Sandwiches’ and (unsurprisingly) I was having trouble fathoming what she meant. It took quite a bit of working out, but we did get there in the end. Lemon Curd on wholemeal bread - a little treat I could recommend actually. I’d once made these tiny, crustless square delicacies whilst she was watching Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo (or one of the Herbie films anyway and I should point out that they were vintage films at this time) and it was the only way she could think of describing what she wanted to eat again...so Lemon Curd has been Herbie ever since.
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Herbie was the only other cat that Dennis had a half decent relationship with,by which I mean he ignored him. Herbie actually managed to have a nap one afternoon on Dennis’s bed while Dennis snoozed alongside. That was quite a triumph.
With Ms NatureWatch’s cats, Dennis was disdainful of the young pretender Mr B, but seemed to have quite a soft spot for Minxy who was an older pure white female and who had the accolade of once ‘kissing’ Dennis on the nose.  RIP Minx, forever known now as Dennis’s Girlfriend. I think he was far too shocked to protest at the kiss, but maybe he quite liked it! Minxy by name...
Dennis was also an animal rescue hero (I’ve blogged this before) when he alerted us to Buster the Hedgehog who was sheltering in the kennel we’d bought for Dennis to use while we were at work. That’s going back to before he stayed in the house while we were out.
What a lad he was and how our hearts broke when it was time to say goodbye. We’d only ever been able to pick him up on a couple of occasions over all the years and his veterinary care had to be house calls and observation, but he was a strong and healthy boy who lived to a good age and brought so much richness into our lives.
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That was awfully long but there’s a lot to say In Memory of a Very Important Cat
Amazing. The Amazing Wonder Cat.
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Handmade brooch commissioned from Nick Hubbard Jewellery in 2009. Dennis can always be with me.
Hope you enjoyed the read and my tribute to Dennis. Just remember...we’re still  not cat people, well, not unless you count our distant relationship with M Flambeau.
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Fox and Flambeau
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M Flambeau seen twice yesterday
Outside links in bold are not affiliated to this Blog
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unpopcorned · 5 years ago
                          I think I’m losing my mind                                                       Trying to stay inside the lines
The phone rings and keeps ringing until it stops. Machine answers, familiar voice next. Jonah sighs. 
From behind him, Jax asks, “Got anything?” 
Jonah looks up, even through the shoddy, fingerprint-covered mess of the phone-booth’s glass, he can make out the mess of blonde curls and bright eyes. Jax is bouncing in place, impatient and glancing over his shoulder every couple seconds.
Jonah decides to hang up the phone, letting it clatter and dangle on the hook. Such an old thing, there’s grime caking the numbers. A light drizzle greets him when he leaves the phone-booth, he doesn’t bother lifting his hood, glancing up towards the darkening clouds. 
There’s no stars out tonight, if it weren’t for the neon pink lights of CRUISIN’ shining down on them, there would be no way to see at all. 
“Nah,” Jonah says, sighs again. It’s all he seems to be doing as of late. “They must not be back yet.” 
“Yeah,” Jax hesitates, “Wanna go back inside?” 
Jonah wishes he could calm his nerves, Jax goes out of his way to throw his arm out and wrap it around his shoulders, like he’s trying to make Jonah feel better. He appreciates it, leans into his side gradually. 
It’s the weekend, so it’s not like CRUISIN’ is missing any patronage. The place is filled to the brim with people. Usually, the locals come  —  mainly teenagers or twenty-somethings, rent their skates, order a few drinks, or try their hand at the old-as-dirt arcade games. Dark purple casts all over the room, save for the flashing neon every other moment. Jax seems as if he’s right in his element, and Jonah can’t wait to leave. 
Don’t get him wrong, he’d offered to come. It’s usual for business. And Gus works here, so Asher and Tate and Fitz get in free. Jonah has always been a homebody, even more so over the last couple days, burying himself in his studies. Jax had been the one to force him out of the house, practically tugging on his arm to pull him off the couch. 
“Look, there’s V!” Jax has to shout in Jonah’s ear to be heard over the loud bass of the speakers, shaking the walls each time the tempo speeds up, “She looks pissed.” 
Yeah, she does. When they get closer, Jonah is able to see she’s talking to someone, almost spitting her words, eyes narrowed and mouth deep-set. It’s Melody, who’s rolling her eyes and shifting her weight onto one foot. Of course, she’d be the only one brave enough to go toe-to-toe with Veronica. 
“--told you we’re not taking anymore of that shit. Some kid OD’d in the fucking bathroom last month,” Melody is saying, eyebrows creased, “No more laced shit, got it?” 
“Maybe you should be more careful,” Veronica replies, flippant and annoyed, “Stop sellin’ to kids. Ever thought of that?” 
“They’re most of our customers, in case you haven’t noticed,” Melody leans closer, “And we don’t sell to them unless they’re over fifteen.” 
Veronica scoffs, “Yeah, real fuckin’ smart--” 
“Hey, hey,” Jax breaks in, leaving Jonah’s side to try and simmer the flames between the two girls, “What did Rob say? No fightin’ before he got here.” 
Veronica rolls her eyes, Melody backs off. With a flip of her blonde hair  -  never mind that she almost smacks Veronica in the face with it  -  she turns on her heels, “I’ll go let Mr. A know you’re here.” Her voice is very sing-songy, the exact opposite of before, sarcastic twist to her lips.
Veronica is left staring after her, Jonah can’t help but think Veronica’s eyes could burn a hole into someone’s head or scare Death himself if she tried hard enough. She could be really scary when she wanted to be. 
She looks to Jonah and Jax next, eyebrows lifting faintly. “You talk to ‘em?” 
“Nobody answered,” Jonah shrugs his shoulders, his voice might sound a little more down than usual. He adds, unsure, “What if something happened?” 
Veronica makes a face at him, “Oh, Christ. Don’t do that. Don’t do that - worried thing. Trust me, I know better outta anybody, those idiots can take care of themselves.” 
A couple of teenagers skate past them, full of laughter and shouting. It’s hard to make out any faces in the limited lighting, though. Veronica is always on edge, even more so without a certain someone by her side, clicking her teeth out of annoyance. 
“Great. Just fuckin’ great. So I gotta deal with these assholes on my own, huh?”
“Don’t worry, you got us!” Jax pulls Jonah closer by the shoulders again, Jonah is able to get a whiff of light sweat and hairspray, “We’re behind you one-hundred-percent, V!” 
“Shut up.” 
“C’mon, V, don’t be so--ow!” 
She swats at his arm before he can rope her into the one-armed hug, just as Jonah. Jonah only watches the two of them bicker for a second or two before William is joining them, in his usual skates and rainbow hoodie, gesturing all over the place once he’s close enough. 
“Yo, ya’ll hear them tunes? Fuckin’ with my whole vibe out here, man,” William’s complaining, readjusting his glasses, “Weak, I’m tellin’ you. My cousin runs a side hustle, could’ve totally hooked Mr. A with some sick--” 
“Hey,” Veronica isn’t in the mood, she still has a tight grip on Jax’s wrist and is twisting it little by little, “Pay attention. Focus. I don’t have time for--” 
“I’m focused, V,” William breaks in, all smiles now, even with her crass attitude, “Don’t be mad, mami. Y’know I got your back when Jay ain’t here.” 
Veronica lets go of Jax when he begins whining, curling himself backwards behind Jonah as some type of shield, “That’s what bothers me.” 
Jonah feels like sighing again. Maybe he shouldn’t have come after all. And of course, William notices, leaning closer to him when Veronica attention is diverted. He picks up his eyebrows, purses his lips in that annoying and cute way of his, practically begging Jonah to spill with his expression alone. 
Jonah almost smiles. Almost. “Just worried.” 
“Don’t be, man,” William says, like it’s so easy, “I got you.” He nudges his elbow into Jonah’s side, encouraging in his own way. 
Veronica is the first to move towards the concession area when something catches her eye, and they’re all forced to follow. Jonah’s steps are shuffling and slow, glancing towards the EXIT sign every few seconds, as if he expects something. Constance is running the concession stand tonight  ---  mainly the place to trade your money in for tickets or to get a cheap snack. Among other things. 
Sabryna is there too, seated in the corner, flipping a magazine and feet propped up. She barley looks up when two teenagers approach the stand, patting their pockets and looking nervous. Constance notices them, blows a big fat bubble in their faces when they hand over a wad of cash. 
Sucking it in thereafter, she squares them both with a sharp look, “How old’re you, kid?” 
The first boy withers under her stare, “F-Fifteen.” 
“Mhm,” she blows another bubble, pressing a few buttons on the register so it falls open, tossing the money inside and handing over his change. Once she’s finished, Constance slides across a baggy, “Careful with this, got it?”
The two teenagers nod, run off with their purchase. Constance can only shake her head, attention shifting when she notices Veronica out of the corner of her eye. Marginally, her expression becomes less hostile, weight leaning against the counter.
“Hey, Veronica,” She draws out her name, that only makes Veronica cross her arms over her chest, “Where’s your boy-toy?” 
“Ha,” Veronica says, “How much’re you sellin’ that shit for?” 
“Don’t worry, we’re not dubbing your prices,” Constance says, not at all offended, “Mr. A actually wanted to go higher.” 
“You’re supposed to be talkin’ to him today, right?” Sabryna asks from the corner, looking up from her magazine briefly, “He’s in a bad mood.” 
Constance nods, “Definitely.” 
Veronica’s nose wrinkles up, “Fuck’s he gotta be upset for? Stickin’ my neck out far ‘nough for the guy.” 
“Bet’cha you won’t say it to his face,” Sabryna sing-songs, snorting, “White girls all bark and no bite.” 
“‘Ey, don’t be talkin’ about my girl V like that,” William says, leaning far over the counter to frown at Sabryna, which she only sticks her tongue out at, “Got bigger balls than yo’ mans.”
Sabryna flips him off, Constance looks tempted to laugh. 
“I’m here, I’m here!” Cory burst in, wet curls from the rain, shaking it out and causing Sabryna to squeal and jump from her seat, ducking out through the way he came. Constance grimaces at him, but puts up no fuss, “Sorry, I’m late. All the talking literally kills me.” 
“Break up with him, then,” Constances tells him, twirling her gum around and around her index finger, “You have the patience of a saint.” 
“I hate being single,” Cory is whining while he bends down behind the counter, plucking up a crate and setting it atop. He doesn’t get a chance to rifle through it, however, his attention is on Jonah, even though he’s been quiet throughout, “Jonah! You look cute today.” 
Jonah blinks, looks down at himself. He was rushed out of the house, so he’s not wearing anything particularly special. One of Vito’s hoodies, some old jeans and sneakers. But still, he says, “Thanks.” 
Cory balances his chin into his hand, ignoring the look William is giving him, eyes set on Jonah, “Are you seeing anyone? Please say no.” 
“The answer is always the same,” William grouses, “Don’t know why yo’ass keeps--” 
“I’m seeing someone,” Jonah says, goodnaturedly, almost looks apologetic when Cory’s expression crumbles, always melodramatic, “Sorry.” 
“Geez. You never make time for me.” 
“I’m sorry.” 
William is still going, “You not his type anyway--” 
“Hey,” Constance says, “You’re scaring off my customers,” She’s pointing past them, where a threesome has stopped to linger by the stand, appearing anxious to step any closer, “Flirt somewhere else.” 
“I’m not some errand girl,” Veronica looks annoyed again, her arms tight across her chest, jaw locked, “Mr. A wants to see me, needs to make time. I ain’t waitin’ around for anybody.” 
“Melody will come get you when he’s ready,” Constance is quick to reassure after she finishes with her customers. Cory holds out the tip jar, the metallic sound of coins hitting the bottom of the glass, “Relax, Veronica.” 
“Yeah, your vibe is totally killing the mood,” Cory purses his lips, “Wanna freebie?” 
“Do I want the shit I just sold you?” Veronica sneers, “No.” With that, she turns and walks away, Jonah doesn’t hesitate to follow after her. William only stays to poke more fun at Cory, Jax eager to take up the freebie offer. 
The music is able to drown out mostly everything, but Jonah can hear Veronica mumbling beneath her breath, shoulders lifted up to her ears defensively, even more tense than her usual self. She half-turns to Jonah, eyes scanning the crowd, “You sure nobody answered? Did it just - go to voicemail or somethin’?” 
Jonah’s stomach is twisting, expression falling by only a small degree. He tries his best to keep his expression in check, “They’re usually back within a couple days, right?” 
Veronica shrugs, “Depends. Rudy can be a real fuckin’ asshole when no one’s keepin’ him in check.” 
“He’s . . . something.” 
“Always talkin’.” 
“It never stops.” 
“For such a big guy, you’d think he’d know when to shut the fuck up. Nah, he’s like one of those . . . yappin’ dogs.” 
Jonah smiles at her, withdrawn but still there, “It’s hard not to love him.” 
“Yeah,” Veronica’s only quiet for a small moment, “He’s still an asshole. Don’t know why Vito puts up with him. ‘Specially after all the shit.” 
Ah, yeah. Maybe Jonah’s heart can just be a bit too big sometimes, but he was never angry with Rudy, not for that. Understands his reaction in a way, because he’s had it happened to him before. The anger and confusion that comes with it. Sometimes, he worries for Vito even more than he lets on, with his family and friends and peers, people who could look at him differently just because Jonah remains beside him. 
He shoots Veronica another smile, grabbing a hold of the rink’s railing and leaning back a little, “Rudy’s a lovable sort of guy.” 
“Don’t let him hear you say that.”
Jonah didn’t say that. Neither did Veronica. 
She’s the first to turn towards the sound of the voice, but arms slip around her waist, pulling her back and she’s quick to melt into the embrace. Even so, she puts forth her most grumpy voice when she says, “What took you so long, asshole? Gonna give me a fuckin’ heart attack.” 
“Aw, Ron,” Jacob rests his chin on her shoulder, pressing his nose into the curve of her jaw, kissing there, “Didn’t know you cared so much.” 
“Fuck you. Jonah called your place and you didn’t answer.” 
“Just got back.” 
Veronica tilts her head a bit, “Somethin’ happen?” To which Jacob whispers something in her ear, Jonah is unable to make out through the music and limited lights. Veronica nods though and rubs his wrist. 
But if Jacob is here, that means --- 
“Where’s Vito?” Jonah can’t help but ask, lighting up at just the thought, “Is he here? Did he come with you?” 
Jacob seems amused with his excitement, tightening his arms around Veronica and rocking the two of them lightly. With one finger, he points over the way, past the rink and the crowd of teenagers strapping on their skates, “Yeah. He was lookin’ for you, back over there.” 
Jonah is polite enough to excuse himself at least, but it comes out pretty rushed. He speed-walks in the direction Jacob said, shouldering his way past others, mumbling apologies when he’s given dirty looks. It doesn’t take long to find Vito in the crowd, though  ---  he’s taller than most, appears completely out of place. He spots Jonah coming and they meet halfway, Jonah throwing his arms around him once he’s close enough. 
They talk at the same time. 
“I’m sorry--” 
“I was so worried--” 
Vito stops, “You--” 
“No, you first.” 
He fumbles with his words for a second or two, before he leans down and kisses Jonah. And Jonah is quick to oblige, hands lifting to cradle his face, pulling him in deeper. Music seems to dull, people disappear, all he can focus on is Vito in moments like these. It feels like coming home, every time, welcomed by his scent and voice and touch. 
“I’m sorry,” Vito says again when they part, pressing one more kiss to the corner of Jonah’s mouth, “Sorry, Jonah.” 
“It’s okay, I’m just happy to see you,” he says, he threads fingers through Vito’s hair, it’s getting longer than usual and a bit damp from the rain, “You said you’d be back yesterday and I just--” Vito kisses him again, gentle as ever, “I missed you.” 
“I thought you’d be mad at me.” 
Jonah blinks, incredulous sort of smile on his lips, “Why would I be mad?” 
“’Cause,” Vito backs up some, maybe only an inch or two between them, but Jonah keeps a tight grip on his shoulders, feeling them tense underneath his fingers, “The whole...Texas thing. When you went to get your award and those professors were bein’ so - that fuckin’ word you used---” 
“Yeah, bein’ fuckin’ assholes to you. The whole time. I didn’t mean--” 
“That’s why you left with Manuel after we got back?” Jonah had wondered if things felt off, but hadn’t thought anything of the trip. He doesn’t blame Vito for being defensive and hostile around people who think they’re smarter and better than others, it was kind of hard to keep reminding even himself of that. “I thought you were mad at me. ‘Cause I made you come with--” 
Vito’s eyes are wide now, disbelief visible on his face, “No. No, Jonah. Shit. Fuckin’ - sorry. I didn’t think--” This time, Jonah kisses him quiet, a soft press of his lips, reassuring in every way possible. 
Unfortunately, Jax had went out of his way to come and find them, clearing his throat loudly to gain their attention. Jonah can only turn his head, flashing a quick smile, relieved, “Vito’s here.” 
“I can see that,” Jax says, greeting Vito softly, which Vito ignores for whatever reason, “Veronica’s leaving with Jay.” 
Jonah pulls away from his boyfriend, but Vito’s arms keep tight around his waist, unwilling to let him go fully, “Why? What happened?” 
Jax shrugs one shoulder, appearing nervous, “Said they had somethin’ to take care of. Looked pretty important, I think.” 
Vito snorts into Jonah’s ear, “Sure.” 
Jonah occupies himself by playing with Vito’s fingers, noting the caked grease underneath the nails, can’t help but wonder just what he’d done while he was gone. But he won’t ask, he allows Vito to slowly open up whenever he prefers. It works better that way than to ask the endless amount of questions that pop into Jonah’s head at random. Tenderly, he kisses the knuckles of Vito’s hand, right on the scar there that stretches a few inches  -  perhaps from an accident or a fight. 
“Rob should be here any minute,” Jax blabbers, he ducks his head whenever he meets Vito’s eye for too long  -  Jonah gives them both a confused glance, “He’s gonna talk to Mr. A for us.” 
Jonah suggests, “We can just ask Tripp--”
“Don’t think so,” The blond shakes his head fast, stringy blond curls everywhere with each movement, “Rob and Tripp had a fight.” 
“Couple days ago. I don’t think they’re talkin’.” 
“Great,” Vito huffs again, shifting one hand into his pocket and letting Jonah hold the other, “Just great.” 
“Okay,” Jonah’s tone is subdued, thinking, “Okay, we’ll just wait then.” 
And they do wait. Turns out Jax was right: Rob is in a horrible mood about something and it shows. His shoulders are hunched in, he doesn’t look like he’s slept, and he glares whenever one of them speak. William is the only one who can’t take a hint, he keeps talking, even when Rob disappears into Mr. A’s office without a word. 
“What the fuck is up with him?” William complains, irritated, “Would rather deal wit’ V if he gonna be like that. Fuck ‘im.” 
“He’s goin’ through some stuff,” In the short amount of time, Jax has managed to acquire a slurpee, sucking at the straw eagerly, “Go easy on him.” 
“I’ll kick his ass.” 
“William,” Jonah scolds, but it holds no scorn, William merely grins at him, “Don’t be a jerk.” 
“You’re in a better mood,” William ignores him, using his chin to gesture towards Vito, who’s standing off to the side but never too far away from Jonah, “Boyfriend come t’save the day?” 
Jonah glances over in his direction, and then back to William, lowering his voice. “I don’t like when he goes on ‘jobs’ with Rudy.” 
William looks curious, interested. 
“He’s . . . difficult. Vito complains about it all the time.” 
“Maybe Vito should stop doin’ ‘jobs’ then.” 
Jonah sets his jaw, one more look taken towards Vito. This time, Vito catches him staring and smiles a little. Even with the limited lighting, Jonah is able to make out the different browns and hazels in his eyes, “Maybe.” 
But then he thinks of Felicity, her offer, her price. He’s not short on money or anything, but . . . the things he could learn. His mother had always told him he was a lot like his father, always grabbing for any information he could get, here or there. Compared them often to Hungry-Hungry Hippos, they’d stay up all night reading and stretching out maps and researching whatever suddenly interested the two of them. 
Jonah wants to learn more, wants to be more. He’s good at what he does, wishes other people could see it. Not Veronica and Rob’s loose change, but something else. 
He shakes his head to himself, he shouldn’t think like that. Ever. Vito had already told him his concerns, cast the idea aside like it was nothing, fiercely protective when he has no reason to be. He supposes he can see his side, given the recent circumstances and difficulties of this business, but Jonah himself never puts up a fuss when Vito has to suddenly leave, or when Veronica takes him out in the middle of the night for ‘something’, or when he’s gone for days on end without an update. 
He worries, a lot. And he’s painstakingly lonely when he’s away. Which seems to be more often, ever since word of Dex being back in town flooded. 
"What’re you guys doing here?” It’s a new voice, but familiar. Sydney stands to the side, Falen next to him, both looking thoroughly confused to see them all. “Can you not take a hint?” 
William is already pushed off the wall before anyone can say anything, “Chill the fuck out, white boy. Just here to see your boss--” 
Sydney looks pretty pissed, and menacing. Even in his light-up skates and sweater with a giant heart on the front, “Good. Maybe he can finally tell you the news.” 
Jonah blinks, “News?” 
“We’re not dealing with Veronica or Rob anymore,” Falen says, there’s a Blow-Pop in her hand that she uses to gesture towards the group, “After what happened.” 
“What happened?” 
Sydney shrugs, looks the least bit intimidated with Vito stepping closer and William glaring at him, “After he says whatever to Rob, you guys can screw off.” 
“What’s that su--” 
“Sorry,” Falen continues, sympathetic tilt to her eyebrows as she walks past them, “Not personal.” 
“Totally personal,” Sydney follows behind her, ignoring William when he flips him off, “Broke Tripp’s heart. Not cool.” 
They’re gone after that, and Jonah is left staring after them. He looks to Jax for help, who’s been noticeably silent throughout, but he just seems uncomfortable and out of place. 
“What was that about?” 
William is still frowning, deep and unpleasant lines set to his face, “Yeah, fuck’s up with ‘em?” 
“Maybe it’s worse than I thought,” Jax mumbles, barely heard over the music, “I don’t--” 
Rob comes out of Mr. A’s office. He appears even worse than before, thin layer of sweat over his face and staring off into space, stumbling past them without saying anything, again. Jonah is only still for a few seconds before he’s taking Vito’s hand again, jogging lightly behind Rob to catch up. The others soon follow. 
“Rob?” Jonah tries, “What happened?” 
“Nothing,” Rob says over his shoulder, voice low, “We gotta go.” 
“Why? What happened--” 
“Gotta meet with somebody.” 
“ . . . okay? Who?” 
“Yeah, thought this was gonna be an hour thing, Rob--” 
“What did Mr. A say?” 
“Is everything alright?” 
“Just--” Rob’s voice raises an octave. They’re outside now, the sky is pitchblack and it’s almost eerily quiet, besides the music from CRUISIN’. Rob’s face is pink, he’s biting at his bottom lip hard before he speaks, “We can’t come here anymore. Gonna do this last thing for him then . . . that’s it.” 
Jonah’s forehead has crumbled, concern etched onto his expression, “What happened? Is this about Tripp?” 
“No,” Rob laughs - it sounds frustrated and not at all humorous, like he’s laughing at himself and the ridiculous situation, “No. It’s - it’s me. Let’s just . . . go. Okay?” 
Vito and Jonah exchange a look. But the others are falling right into step with Rob, loading into his car. Vito keeps a tight grip on Jonah’s hand, lightly pulling him back to him, eyeing Rob’s back, “We should go home.” 
Jonah smiles some, just a slight tilt of his lips, “Yeah. After this, okay?” 
Vito shakes his head, “Better if we don’t get involved.” 
“It’s Rob, Vito. Plus . . . he looks really upset.” 
“I--” Vito looks like he’s struggling to say what he really means, anxious and tense, “When I was gone, all I could think about was comin’ back to you. I wanna go home, together. Not have to worry ‘bout shit like this, yanno?” 
Silent, Jonah just holds Vito’s hand in his, stroking. He can see the stress and exhaustion in his face, and he knows words are difficult things for him, spreading himself so thin when there’s nothing left to give. Jonah wishes he could say something to comfort him, give him a calmer mind and a softer place to relax. 
“You guys comin’?” Rob yells from his truck, peeking his head out only for a second, “C’mon, let’s go.” 
Jonah visibly hesitates, one look taken to Vito’s face. It’s enough to make his boyfriend melt, just by a bit, blowing out of a breath like it takes everything in him to agree. But he does, and that’s what matters. Perhaps, Jonah’s a bit too thoughtful, considerate and caring when it comes to his friends, especially when they seem so at odds, typically the glue within the group and doing his very best keep everyone together and tempers somber. 
There’s no more room in Rob’s ride, so Jonah goes with Vito, buckling in as soon as he’s inside, the familiar smell of cigarettes and pristine leather. There’s not much talking as the two of them tail Rob, Jonah fiddling with the radio until he finds something suitable, a soft and amicable song that Jonah somehow can’t remember the name of. 
It’s a long drive, Vito readjusting the heat when Jonah shivers, one hand on his thigh and rubbing soothing circles into the knee. Which Vito seems to do a lot lately, like he needs to be sure that he’s there and solid. Jonah doesn’t mind, sometimes he needs a reminder too. The smell of seawater is strong when they part near a truck-crossing bridge, right next to the shipping ports a few miles up the road. 
Even in the darkness, the shapes and shadows of William and Jax are easy to see as they get out of the car. Jonah looks to Vito, sheepish, “Sorry for making you come out so late.” His tone sounds suggestive, like he’s trying to say Vito is free to go if he’s too tired from his day. To which Vito picks up on easily, eyebrows pinching together and lips pressed tight. 
“Not leavin’ you here, Jonah.” 
“I know.” 
“I don’t like--” He makes a vague gesture with his hand at the windshield, towards Rob’s truck, “I don’t trust them.” 
“It’s Rob, Vito,” he repeats himself from earlier, beseeching, wishing he could see his friends how Jonah does, “Nothing’s going to happen.” 
“It’s not just him,” Vito says, “The other one, too.” 
Jonah finds himself befuddled, once again glancing up to see Jax is closer to Vito’s car, hands in pockets and rocking on his feet, constantly moving. He’s waiting for them, meets Jonah’s eyes briefly and flashes a smile. Jonah looks back to Vito, “I don’t get it.” 
“Just keep an eye on him,” Vito’s voice is serious, locking eyes with Jonah quick, searching, “Alright? For me.” 
Jonah nods before he can think about it, reaching across and taking Vito’s hand in his again. It seems to help, Vito’s shoulders kind of relax, he sighs and reaches over to switch off the car and pocket his keys. With one more shared glance, the two of them leave the car. 
It’s bitterly cold from the rain earlier, and being right on the water isn’t helping. Jonah burrows deeper into his hoodie, leaning closer into Vito for some type of warmth. Which, Vito isn’t shy with sharing, he wraps his arms briefly around him, chin on the crown of Jonah’s head. 
“You two are fuckin’ worse than V and Jay,” William complains once they’re in view, he looks pretty pissed, Jonah can only wonder what argument had transpired inside of the truck. He doesn’t keep his attention on them though, he turns halfway to look at Rob, “Hey, gonna say anythin’? Could use an update, over here freezin’ our asses off.”
“Do you always have to talk so much?” Rob snaps, it makes Jonah blink in surprise at his tone, “Had to listen to it the whole fucking ride.” 
“Well, excuse me,” William says, “I came out for V, not you. Didn’t want to be riding for this shit no way.” 
“Then follow Veronica,” Rob turns to face him, eyes narrowed tight, “See if I give a shit!” Gaze flickers over to Jonah fast, accusing, “You, too? You wanna go too?” 
At first, Jonah doesn’t have much to say. The sudden shift in Rob is startling to see, he’s almost unrecognizable, cold in the eyes. Jonah’s pretty sure he’d seen it once before, awhile ago maybe. He holds up his hands in surrender, still tucked half-way behind Vito, “It’s cool, Rob. I’m not leaving.” 
“Yeah, just chill out,” Jax pleads, nervously rocking again, shoulders up to his ears, “You’re freakin’ me out, man.” 
“What the fuck is up with you?” William isn’t backing down, never really does, he spits his words, a diluted cloud hovers around his mouth each time he speaks, “Don’t take your shit out on us.” 
“It’s--” Rob throws his arms out suddenly in Vito’s direction, gesturing to him like he’s an annoying fly that he can’t get rid of, “Why’re we workin’ with them?” 
“What?” William and Jax share a confused glance with each other, “Fuck’re you talkin’ about?” 
“Italians,” Rob supplies, “Since when do we work with them?” 
Vito has kind of tensed from beside Jonah, jaw locks with an audible click. Jonah nudges his shoulder into his, just slightly. 
“‘Cause of V,” William talks slow, like he’s explaining it all to a child, “She’s dating Jay--” 
“So we’re all dating fucking Jay?” Rob blusters, “Things were just fine without all this shit--” 
“V knows what she’s doin’--” 
“Does she? Seems like she’s got into nothing but shit since--” 
“Let’s all just calm--” 
“Don’t tell me to fucking calm down right now!” 
“Okay, fuck this, I’m leavin’--” 
They stop at the noise, somehow deafening in the midst of their argument. Maybe because they all know what a gun sounds like, even in a moment like this. Tentatively, Jonah turns his head, towards where it came from, heart stopping in his chest. 
Jax is as still as ever, muzzle of the pistol pressed against the back of his head, bottom lip trembling and eyes big. There’s a stranger behind him, a man Jonah’s never seen before, but from one glance at Rob’s face, Jonah can tell that he knows him. William almost jumps out of his skin when he turns around, Rob hasn’t moved, Jonah wants to take Vito’s hand but he’s not really able to get his body to work, cold sweat breaking and nerves heightened. 
“What the fuck,” William mutters, shuffling a step backward - he was the closest to Jax, after all, “What the fuck, what the fuck.” 
“Nobody move!” The guy is about as tall as Vito, just more gangly, long legs and arms, eyes darting over their faces, one after the other. His gun presses harder to Jax’s head, nudging and insistent, urging him forward. Jax does just that, stumbling over his own two feet, but somehow managing to keep upright, “Nobody move...” 
It’s quiet, but Jonah’s heart is racing a mile a minute, in his ears so loudly that he’s afraid Vito will be able to hear it. The glint of the gun in the limited street lights brings back memories, some that he’s tried painfully hard to forget over the years. 
No one’s able to really get anything out, William’s mouth moves uselessly, opening and closing, searching for words, until Rob speaks up, “Rench,” he says, hands lifted from his sides and held out like he’s trying not to spook him, “what’re you doing?” 
“You know him?” William balks, throwing a panicked look over at Rob. 
“Rench,” Rob says again, ignoring William pointedly, “Put the gun d--” 
“No, he doesn’t know me,” Rench, Jonah is guessing that’s his name, growls, aiming his gun wildly towards Rob, gesticulating with it in violent motions, causing William to curse, “You don’t know me! Step the fuck back!” 
“From the garage,” Rob finally supplies, he’s not moving towards him anymore, “You work with Nico and Theo. We met once through--” 
“I only know Tripp!” Rench keeps going, “Only him! I only deal with him!” 
“And we understand that--” 
“Shut up!” 
“But I--” 
“Rob,” William mumbles, and it only makes Rob glare at him again, “Shut the fuck up.”
“Mr. A sent us.” 
“Don’t fucking lie to me!” Rench is yelling, flushed in the face, speaking through his teeth, “You think I don’t know? You think I don’t see what kinda shit you’re in? Huh?” 
William’s brow crumbles in confusion, “What--” 
“I said shut up!” 
“Chill the fuck out!” 
Jonah’s eyes have flickered between the gun, Vito’s back, and Jax’s expression. The blond has stopped struggling, seemingly limp as Rench wraps an arm around his throat and tugs him backwards, gun pressed to his temple. Jax’s face is sort of blank, eyes far-off, Jonah’s worried that he’s gone into shock of some kind. That thought in mind, he reaches for Vito’s sleeve to tug at it. The movement catches Rench’s attention, who spins halfway and jerks the muzzle of the gun in their direction, specifically at Jonah. 
“I told you not to fucking move!” 
“Watch where you’re pointin’ that shit!” Vito’s voice is cutting, he moves halfway in front of Jonah, as if he’s fully prepared to take a bullet. Jonah, growing desperate, grabs at Vito’s hand, pulls in a futile effort to bring him closer  -  it doesn’t do much.
“Vito,” Jonah whispers, “Vito, don’t--” 
“Hold on,” Rench blinks several times, slightly off-putting, leaning around Vito awkwardly with Jax still plastered to his chest, “Hold on, hold up. I remember you.” 
Jonah finds himself blinking too, stopped short by his words. His fingers fall away from Vito, heart in his throat, “...me?” 
“Yeah. Yeah, fucking you. I’ve seen you.”
“Fuck you,” Vito spits, “Put the fuckin’ gun do--” 
Jonah is still staring, keeps glancing at Jax, “I don’t think so.” 
“You were there. With V and my brother.” 
Rench’s jaw clenches tight, a muscle in his cheek jumps, “My brother.” 
“Alex,” Rob says, hands falling back to his sides, breathing out deeply like he’s come to some sudden realization the rest of them haven’t, “You’re  -  fuck, I forgot--” 
“Rape-y Alex?” William’s voice is high with his confusion, “You’re fuckin’ Alex’s brother?” 
That’s enough to drive Rench into action again, his face screws up, flushed and pinched, and in that moment - Jonah can see Alex through him. The sandy curls, the light freckles, the same noses even. Kind of makes sense, you don’t get into this business without family, really. He looks as if he doesn’t know whether to keep the gun trained on Jonah or smash it against the side of Jax’s head, he jumps between the two motions hastily and unsteadily. Jax barely reacts. 
William is shooting glances from Jonah to Rob, as if he’s trying to communicate something he can’t get out properly, “Put the fucking gun down, man. Nobody’s seen Alex in months!” 
“I saw him!” Rench thunders, his pistol jerks towards Jonah again, Vito hasn’t moved from his spot, and Jonah’s too stunned to try and tell him to move again. He tries to think over the amount of time since he’s last seen Alex, his mind and thoughts racing like his heart, “I saw him with you!” He says it directly to Jonah, eyes fierce and guarded, “With you!”
It all comes back to Jonah in a nauseating wave - he’d volunteered to go and see Alex with Veronica, free from class for the day, and it’d been a usual : the two of them going back and forth, Alex making an inappropriate joke that made Veronica’s nose wrinkle up. The garage had reeked of gasoline and oil, Nico had been dismissive with the three of them, Theo greeting Veronica like they were longtime friends, and Rench had been there. Even though Jonah hadn;t known him at the time, he’d been there and Alex had hugged him, pulled him to the side to tell him something. Rench, paranoid as ever, kept glancing over in Veronica and Jonah’s direction even as Alex tried to reassure him it was fine. That was the last time Jonah met with Alex, and he hadn’t even considered why. With a chilling realization, he looks towards Vito, lost. 
Vito doesn’t meet his eyes. 
There’s a bunch of yelling, William is pointing at Rench aggressively, left only to bargaining for Jax’s life now. Rob is telling William to shut up over and over again, growing in volume and intensity every time. Vito is the only one quiet, tense in front of Jonah, eyes trained solely on the pistol. And Rench is cursing at them all, spitting his words. He knows, he can read it in all of their faces. 
Alex is gone. 
“Shut up, William! Shut the fuck up for once, would you?” Rob yells, throwing his hands towards him in frustration, “Don’t you know how t--” 
“This is your fuckin’ fault!” William growls back, gesticulating towards Jax frantically, “You’re gonna get us fuckin’ killed ‘cause of your shit!” 
“My fault?” 
“Yeah! You, Tripp! All of your--” 
“I--” Jonah’s voice cuts through it all, Vito’s shoulders straighten when he steps from behind him, hands held in a placating manner towards Rench, like he’s a bird threatening to take flight. Vito makes a grab for Jonah’s arm to pull him back, but Jonah doesn’t let him, he keeps his eyes locked with Rench’s, “Can you let Jax go? Please.” 
Jax, oddly enough, still hasn’t moved. He looks almost dead in Rench’s arms, and Jonah would’ve thought so if Jax wasn’t blinking every so often. Rench can feel his lack of reaction, he keeps squeezing his bicep tight against Jax’s throat, but it doesn’t really do anything. 
“Where’s my brother?” Rench’s voice breaks towards the end, it’s raw from screaming, “What did you fucking do to him?” 
William and Rob have gone quiet, Jonah can feel their stares digging into him. Vito is the hardest not to look at in this moment, especially as Jonah keeps shuffling steps closer, head of the gun aimed at his chest, trembling in Rench’s grasp. 
“Can you just--” Jonah’s breath catches and comes out as a sudden rush, “Can you please let Jax go first. I’ll tell you whatever.” But he had nothing, lying tasted bitter on the tip of his tongue, “Just let Jax go.”
“Fuck you. I’m gonna blow his fucking brains out.” 
“Jonah,” Vito’s voice is desperate, just less than a foot away, “What’re you--”
“Don’t do that,” Panic rises in Jonah’s throat like bile, “I don’t know what happened to A-Alex, but killing Jax isn’t going to--” 
“Isn’t gonna what?” Rench doesn’t even need him to finish, spittle flies from his lips, “What! Say it! Isn’t gonna bring him back, right? Because you fucking killed him!”
Jonah wants to flinch under the bite of the words. But he finds himself staring at the tip of Rench’s gun, aimed at him, cocked. His eyes are twitching, he looks like he’s in pain, furious and demanding. After that, things kind of happen in a blur - and a lot happens. Vito grabs a hold of Jonah’s arm and yanks, William yells something, Rench clenches his finger around the trigger. 
The gunshot that rings out doesn’t come from him though. It comes from Rob. 
Jonah hates that he sees every second of it. In the movies, they make it seem as if it happens so fast, but it doesn’t. A cruel lie. Because Jonah sees the wide-eyed shock on Rench’s face, the bullet lodging into his cheek, the sheer impact enough to make him stumble back. He releases his hold on Jax, loses his footing, and falls to the ground, lifeless. 
His own gun clatters a few feet away, near William’s feet. But he’s too shocked to really react. For a moment, they all just stand there, taking it in gradually. William is the first to make a noise, a strange wheezing sound in the back of his throat, hunching over like he may vomit, “What the fuck, what the fuck!” He keeps repeating. 
Jonah stares. Rench’s face isn’t really a face anymore, his cheek has dissolved in on itself, bullet exited through the back of his skull. Blood spreads, an inky color in the dark night. Jax blinks several times, broken from a trance, breathing in shakily and scrambling away as fast as possible. 
Attention shifts onto Rob - Rob, brown-eyed, nice smile, warm jacket Rob - a gun of his own in his left hand, still aimed as if he’s ready to fire again, the sound is still reverberating off the empty bridge and water below. Nobody knows where he even got it, he’s never had one before, he’s always vehemently been against it. Looking at him now, he’s unrecognizable. 
Jonah loses the feeling in his legs. If it weren’t for Vito’s constricting grip on the crook his elbow, Jonah would’ve collapsed where he was. He curls into himself, gasping, Vito releases him out of worry, gathers his shoulders in his hands, rubbing soothing circles that Jonah barely feels. Together, the two of them sink onto the wet concrete. 
Blood pounds in his ears, his veins. His heart is soaring in his chest, desperate to break through his ribcage. And despite it all, he can’t breathe. His lungs tighten, close like a door slamming shut. He can’t take his eyes off of Rench’s limp body, who had once been moving and alive and talking, he’s dead. Just a second ago, just a split decision. 
Like Alex. Like his friend Reggie in the fifth grade. Like his dad. 
He can’t breathe. He can’t. 
Vito’s face comes in and out, his voice sounds far away, like Jonah’s submerged in water. A tremor takes to Jonah, his entire body won’t stop shaking, doubling over. He wants to throw up, reflexively almost, but he hadn’t eaten anything today out of worry for Vito’s sudden disappearance. 
“Jonah, baby,” Vito’s hands are on his face, tilting it towards him. In that moment, all Jonah can see are his brown eyes, “Look at me. It’s okay, baby. Breathe. Breathe with me.” He enunciates the rise and fall of his chest, coaxing Jonah to join him. And Jonah tries his hardest, there’s pain in his abdomen, “Calm down, it’s okay.” 
It takes a total of eight minutes to get Jonah to come down from it all. A few pumps of his inhaler - Jonah was surprised to see that Vito even carried it with him - Vito touching him as much as possible, speaking quietly between the two of them. Jonah’s eyesight is still blurry, but he can’t really tell if it’s from tears or lack of oxygen. 
“I’ve got you,” Vito is saying, “Breathe.”
Through the soothing sound of Vito’s voice, there’s others. William, Jonah realizes vaguely, is yelling again. Pointedly at Rob, jabbing a finger at him, Jax wobbly and unstable between them, trying to keep them from going at each other’s throats. Jonah can only watch, wheezing, clutching his inhaler like a lifeline. 
In his peripheral, past Vito’s shoulder, he can still see Rench’s body. 
“--stop, guys!” Jax is breathless from the entire thing, “Stop! William - c’mon, just--” 
“Are you fuckin’ stupid? You braindead? You tryin’ to get us all killed?” William is shouting at the top of his lungs, trying his best to get to Rob, “I’ll kill you my goddamn self--” 
“We gotta move him,” Rob’s voice is kind of dead sounding, numb. Like Jonah, he’s staring in Rench’s direction, he can’t look away, “We can’t leave him here.” 
Vito’s lips sneer up in the middle of a gentle whisper of Jonah’s name, he twists his head around to glare at Rob, “Can you shut the fuck up?” 
Rob blinks, like he’s just now noticing Vito and Jonah were still thee. He steps towards them, ignoring William. “Jonah,” Rob says, “Help me move him.” He’s staring right at Jonah, but not really. Through him, almost. He’s pale, there’s a shake in his hands, this is what “in shock” looks like. 
Vito stands before Jonah can even open his mouth and make sense of his friend’s words. He’s in Rob’s face before anyone can stop him, eyes deadly. The thing about Vito is, he doesn’t have to make threats like Rudy or Jacob to get his point across, everything about him says enough. Rob shuffles a step back, but doesn’t heed to the warning. 
“We need to move him,” He says again, restless, “Someone could’ve heard--” 
Vito sets his teeth, “Don’t touch him.”
“Don’t touch him,” Vito’s voice is final, steel, “You’ve done enough.” 
Jonah spaces out around that time. He keeps thinking of the moment the bullet hit Rench. He thinks of his dad, and his mom - what they’d both say if they could see him right now. To calm his breathing, he puts his head between his knees and counts until he gets to two - hundred. He can still hear them, arguing, going back and forth like this is something so trivial, something that happened every single day. 
Maybe it did. 
Jonah lifts his head a scant, swallowing, his eyes on Vito - who stood only a few inches away, refusing to leave Jonah’s side. But his attention was on Jax, Rob, and William, as they each grabbed a limb of Rench, hefting him from the ground with great difficulty. Repulsed, Jonah looks away, back to his boyfriend. 
He hadn’t even flinched at the gunshot. He didn’t look disturbed in the slightest. 
As if feeling his stare, Vito turns his head and gives Jonah a tight-lipped smile of reassurance. He crouches down to his side again, rubbing one hand at the top of his back gently, “Better?” 
Jonah shakes his head“Can we go home?” 
Vito helps Jonah from the ground, his expression is almost pained, and grows more severe when he meets eyes with Rob. By then, they’ve moved Rench’s body to Rob’s truck, throwing a spare tarp over it. William and Jax were going back and forth over where to dump it, but Jonah couldn’t hear much after that, because Vito helped him into the car and closed the door. The voices are muted, he can’t make out what they’re saying too much. 
Vito says something when he walks back over to them, his stance is aggressive and agitated, he’s patting at his pockets like he wants to grab his carton of cigarettes. And then he shoves his hands into his jeans, glowering. Jax is tentative to speak up, William cutting him off at every time he opens his mouth, and Rob is carefully smoothing down the edges of the tarp, methodical almost, barely sparing Vito a glance as he speaks. 
Rob talks. Vito does too. William looks annoyed. Jax is staring at the ground. Thanks to the headlights of Vito’s car, Jonah is able to make out each of their expressions - they look hollow. Whatever agreement they come to, Rob is dissatisfied with it, but he shuts up with one look from Vito. 
Jonah feels sick again. 
Vito gets into the car, settling into the driver seat familiarly. He finds his cigarettes finally, but doesn’t light one. He just looks at Jonah, who’s staring straight ahead, not really seeing anything, but still there, “Hey.” 
Jonah turns his head to look at him. 
“I’m gonna take care of this, alright?” He reaches over and takes Jonah’s hand, his fingers feel numb and he realizes he’s still grasping at the inhaler as tight as ever, “Nothing’s going to happen.” 
Jonah wonders what that means. There’s always consequences when it comes to death, especially in this line of business. What about Veronica, what about Tripp? What about Mr. A? Theo, Nico - how could Jonah look them in the face anymore? 
Rob’s truck starts up, tail - lights flickering. 
Vito’s face is grim, voice tight, “Let’s go home.” 
0 notes
forgetmenotsandroses · 8 years ago
Day is night when I’m with you
A/N: So... *clears throat* THIS IS FOR @slightlystalesushirolls WHO IS A MAGICAL PERSON!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY FRIEND,,, THEY ARE THE LIGHT OF MY LIFE (besides Phichit Chulanont) AND DESERVE BETTER PROBABLY BUT THIS IS WHAT I’VE GOT AND I THINK IT’S PRETTY OKAY. Uh. Yeah. Go check out their awesome stuff. And read this if you’d like. 
Leoji week prompt (August 3): first meeting
Before everything, before Guang Hong realizes he's in love, before late night conversations and agonizing time zones, Guang Hong meets Leo. It's a disaster of spectacular proportions.
Two skaters with passion and potential, ready to face the world, in a head-to-head collision. Literally. Guang Hong has his brain in the clouds, but his feet on the ground when he neatly ploughs through Leo de la Iglesia, a skater much like himself at a café near the rink. Though there are surface differences, both are out of place, a Mexican-American and a Chinese kid thrown into the jumble of competitive skating, getting breakfast in Canada, and wondering what, exactly, they are doing. Here for a debut, but still trying to find themselves between layers of extravagant fabric and the cold surface of the ice. None of this registers with Guang Hong, probably because he's too busy wiping up ketchup and pieces of omelette while stuttering apologies to notice. Neither of them really realize for awhile, actually. But life is built on surprises. This meeting, and this friendship are no different.
Leo laughs it off, of course. His worldview is too sunny and optimistic to let a scattered lunch and a fall have much impact. Isn't this one of the Chinese skaters, anyways? Someone around his age is always good to meet, regardless of how. As Guang Hong sputters and apologizes, Leo's mind has already taken a different course.
"You must be Guang Hong! Are you also making your debut this year? I'm Leo, by-the-way. A junior, like you unless I've made a mistake. Sorry if I have!"
The looks of confusion and disbelief crossing the other boy's face makes Leo want to smile. He's definitely determined to make a new friend."Well? I know I've seen you somewhere…"
"Y-yeah. I'm Guang Hong."
"So are you making your debut?"
"I guess? I really have no idea what I'm doing, though."
Leo laughs, almost barking like a seal, and just like that, the tension is gone. As Guang Hong fusses and pays for damages, Leo ponders what a friendship might mean.
Apart from his family and friends at home, he's never truly had an overseas correspondence, not even a pen pal. And it can be hard to compete with people you're close to. Will this be too difficult to maintain? He's so wrapped up in his thoughts, that he almost misses what Guang Hong asks him next."--and so I was thinking I could get you a lunch to make up for this mess?"It's Leo's turn to stutter and look slightly dumbfounded."S-sure. Sounds great!"
Later at the hotel, the panic kicks in. Did he just…? He did. Shit. Even though Guang Hong knows that this isn't a date, he's still nervous. Leo (he has a name for that cute boy he's been seeing at the rink!) has been a distant competitor, and possible rival until now.
Guang Hong cringes. The way egg flew into Leo's hair and milk spilled all over the floor… He's glad Leo was so kind about it. Right. Time to refocus; this isn't just dinner with a cute boy, this is a sincere apology. It's then he realizes: he forgot to ask for a number. Luckily, he has a source who knows just how he can get it.
"Phichit! Where are the American skaters staying?"
Phichit laughs at his flustered face and gently pats Guang Hong's head.
"The Americans, huh? I know you've had your eye on one of them for awhile, but this is forward for even you!"
Guang Hong glares at his friend."It's not like that! I accidentally ruined his breakfast so I told him I'd repay him by taking him out--"
Phichit screams.
"--but I have no idea how to contact him!"
After he gives Phichit the whole story, he finally wheedles the name of the hotel that the Americans are staying in. (Phichit, of course, is not appeased by Guang Hong's insisting that it's just an apology dinner, and vows to plan the wedding.)
When Guang Hong shows up huffing and puffing at his hotel room (how he even knew what hotel they were staying at is a mystery), Leo wordlessly invites him in. It's then he learns that Guang Hong has been roaming around for two and a half hours in downtown Toronto attempting to find the hotel.After Leo invites him in, he pours the gasping human being before him a glass of water and wonders why anyone would go to such lengths to find him.
It's not like Leo doesn't have people he loves, and who love him in return. It's that he's just Leo de la Iglesia, yet another American skater in an endless line of them. He doesn't even know who he wants to be in this world! How he's gotten this far is beyond him, really. He's not really worth much of anything, let alone a gesture this nice. As quickly as these musings appear, his brain shocks him back into the real world, lest he lose track of what Guang Hong is saying like he did the first time they met.
"So after I figured out which hotel you were staying at, I looked it up. It looked really close on google maps, but then I missed a turn while I was walking and ended up going in completely wrong direction! I didn't even realize my mistake until I was pretty far in…"
"Wow! I'm sorry you had to put in so much effort to find me. So, what did you come here for?"
An unmistakable blush rises to Guang Hong's cheeks. Leo panics.
"N-Not that I mind or anything! I'm sorry that question was really rude after all the trouble you went to!"
"No! Don't apologize! I mean, I guess I did come pretty randomly but I, uh, needed to ask for your number."
"Not for anything creepy! But since I still need to repay you for knocking into you this morning I figured it'd be easier if--"
"--you had my number. Oh."
They exchange phone numbers fairly quickly after that, and Leo plays a good host, offering Guang Hong snacks and water before he leaves. It's the least he can do, he figures. After the other skater is gone, he puzzles about the visit. There's something stirring in his chest, unfamiliar and strange.
Nervous and pacing, he calls Phichit for what feels like the hundredth time to confirm that reservations have been made for the trendy restaurant he's taking Leo to. He's glad he has Phichit. Supportive and fast, he not only helped him pick out a restaurant, but also helped him choose what to wear for this… apology meal. Guang Hong smiles, thinking about Phichit's reaction to one of his shirts in the hotel room.
"And  Ji Guang Hong, whatever you do, I forbid you to wear that awful bear shirt! It does nothing for your eyes, or society as a whole! I'm warning you, I will soak it in kerosene and light it on fire if given the chance!"
Thinking about his friend's emotional outburst gives him just enough courage to text Leo. Leo replies promptly, and soon they're on their way to the restaurant.
He has Guang Hong in stitches from the beginning. To break the tension, Leo tells a funny story about his cousin's painful rendition of "Last Christmas", a song Guang Hong is delighted by because he actually knows it.
They spend a few minutes admiring the Canadian scenery before the taxi arrives at their destination. As promised, the restaurant is in the heart of the city, some hipster place with a menu of foods Leo has never even heard of. (What's 'joke pork roast', and why is it paired with stuffed quail feet and 'mushroom caviar'?)
Despite his efforts, there's an awkward stretch of time when the food has not yet come.
Guang Hong surprises him however, and strikes up a conversation about their lives at home.
As they compare and contrast their families, coaches, and training, Leo feels a shift. He's having fun! The atmosphere is welcoming and warm, they haven't run out of things to talk about, and Guang Hong seems to feel the same. Guang Hong… He's genuine and sweet, and cute in a way that Leo hasn't realized about before. Which brings him down to earth. This isn't a date, but does he want it to be?
In spite of time differences and packed schedules, they become close. Guang Hong feels lucky to have found such a friend. And unlucky too. Because being good friends doesn't really seem to have left a lot of room for romance, if any at all.
He's falling in love, and it's anything but slow. Leo's voice, his hair, his bright smiles, and even the fact that he plays the guitar have become overwhelmingly attractive. Guang Hong is hurtling toward the ground at an alarming rate, and Leo doesn't even seem to notice.
When Leo calls next, Guang Hong promises himself, he will say what's been on his mind.
Leo calls Guang Hong as usual. He wonders if this is what it feels like to be in love.
Leo's reminded of Guang Hong constantly, from small things, like seeing someone with the same hair colour, to talking with him and wondering what it would be like, just once, to hold hands. There are times he wants to be with him so desperately that he's afraid his heart will break. If this is love, it's a lot more painful than the story books make it out to be.
"And, um. That's how I feel. About you. If you feel differently that's okay! But tell me if you like me back. Like, later I guess. Bye."
Guang Hong hangs up quickly, and wonders what he could've done differently. What if Leo doesn't even like him? He can be so oblivious, even though Guang Hong's been so blatantly obvious lately, hinting at every chance.
He wants to believe they have something, but at this point, everything seems like it's been viciously taken out and thrown into the open air.
It's nearly five when Leo goes to sleep, mind and heart racing. He's not completely sure how to feel about this new information, but in the light of day, he knows he will say yes.
What did he just do? Leo hasn't called back. What the fuck did he just do?
That's it. He's doing it.
"Um, about what you said yesterday."
"Yeah! That! It's totally okay if you don't like me back, you know. I really don't want to ruin our friendship and I--"
"Guang Hong." Leo cuts him off, and takes a deep, nervous breath before continuing.
"I feel… Honestly? Sometimes when we talk, I think my heart is going to explode."
Guang Hong's laugh is nothing short of a revelation to Leo. Because yes, the pain and ache are part of love. But so is this joy, so is this lightness. He is reborn.
The way Leo's fingers dance over the guitar strings, effortless and graceful and so beautiful that Guang Hong can't help but smile. Everything about Leo is passion, from the love he radiates for his family, to the way the blades of his skates clash against the ice, and to the intensity of his gaze which surprises even Guang Hong, who thinks he knows Leo best.
How the words spill fast out of Guang Hong's lips, chattering about everything and nothing. As Guang Hong rambles about pop culture and philosophy, Leo finds that he can't look away. His love could fill and ocean and his heart is overflowing. A word repeats itself over and over in his head. Home… A voice whispers. This is where you belong.
14 notes · View notes
yuurivy-archive · 8 years ago
[YuriSere, Janushipping, and Serenadeshipping, please~]
send me a ship and i’ll tell you
YuriSere (some sort of AU/future i assume)
who hogs the duvet: Serena; she actually gets more cold than Yuuri. (he’ll still snatch it from her though, just to mess with her)
who texts/rings to check how their day is going: pff neither lol
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts: Yuuri…. although that doesn’t mean he’ll give her anything
who gets up first in the morning: Yuuri gets up hours before Serena ever tries
who suggests new things in bed: Serena says things she doesn’t really understand and Yuuri ALSO does not understand so it leads to nothing (they are idiots)
who cries at movies: neither are that emotional
who gives unprompted massages: if by unprompted punches to the back then Serena is your girl
who fusses over the other when they’re sick: also. neither,, but to show their ~affection~ they stay near each other and tease/mock each other, like good partners huh
who gets jealous easiest: neither. i don’t think Serena even knows how to be jealous when Yuuri is concerned. If he gets taken then that will be her early Christmas present
who has the most embarrassing taste in music: neither listens to music that much
who collects something unusual: Yuuri’s still with his plants, but that’s all he collects so it isn’t really unusual.
who takes the longest to get ready: Serena does what she has to and then leaves. Yuuri takes Forever.
who is the most tidy and organised: Yuuri.
who gets most excited about the holidays: Neither…. although Serena shows a little more interest in what they are about
who is the big spoon/little spoon: honestly they don’t even sleep that close willingly. they sprawl out to sleep and if either one is in either position then, welp, “all right that’s fine i guess”
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports: Serena gets very competitive and also a little aggresive (which, I can’t even lie, Yuuri likes)
who starts the most arguments: both. Yuuri does is a LOT more to piss her off, but Serena still ends up falling for it
who suggests that they buy a pet: Serena wants a cat. Yuuri does not want a cat eating his plants. They fight and thus the argument repeats
what couple traditions they have: Hmm… they lose track of so much time that they can’t even keep up with traditions tbh
what tv shows they watch together: Yuuri doesn’t want TV a lot, but he sits around while Serena watches, like, drama shows or something
what other couple they hang out with: DO THEY HAVE FRIENDS honestly i can’t see anyone wanting Yuuri around them even if he is dating Serena
how they spend time together as a couple:  fighting if they aren’t fighting or doing their best to annoy each other, they may just be sitting around and doing nothing. unless yuuri, like, cooks, and that may be the only time they’re actually nice to each other
who made the first move: Serena kisses him and Yuuri takes like two minutes before shaking out of his shock to ask her what the hell that was supposed to mean. It takes them longer to really decide if they’re dating or not
who brings flowers home: Yuuri. Serena too, on occasion
who is the best cook: Yuuri. Serena probably cannot cook for crap.
the rest is under the cut to keep it short
Janusshipping (Dennis/Ruri)
who hogs the duvet: Ruri doesn’t even need to hog it, Dennis would just give it to her
who texts/rings to check how their day is going: Hmm… both, but Dennis does it a little more
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts: Both of them are great at giving gifts, but maybe Dennis???
who gets up first in the morning: They both seem like pretty early wakers, but Dennis wakes up and cooks breakfast for them
who suggests new things in bed: uh Dennis performs magic tricks in bed. that’s new right.
who cries at movies: Ruri cries at most movies; Dennis tears up a little at emotional scenes (and is a sucker for romance)
who gives unprompted massages: Hmm; both again. Dennis might pull some things during his shows so she just massages him
who fusses over the other when they’re sick: Both again.
who gets jealous easiest: … Neither?? They trust each other enough to know that they would never cheat
who has the most embarrassing taste in music: … Dennis. I can see him actually enjoying techno music
who collects something unusual: Neither collects anything really unusal
who takes the longest to get ready: Ruri. Dennis goes in and out.
who is the most tidy and organised: Dennis is pretty tidy, but Ruri is the one to keep things neat more often than not
who gets most excited about the holidays: Both. They both equally love celebrating things, so they pump each other up
who is the big spoon/little spoon: Dennis is big cuz he’s just so tall
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports: Both are pretty relaxed when they play games, and neither are much fond of sports
who starts the most arguments: neither. they don’t go around wanting to start any
who suggests that they buy a pet: Hmm…. Both. They’re both pretty fond of birds (dennis uses them in his acts and Ruri is Shun’s little sister), so they end up getting a dove or something
what couple traditions they have: They take time on weekends to go to town together and do whatever. No plans, just spending time around each other
what tv shows they watch together: Uh… Cartoons, perhaps, if they’re any good. Maybe romance and suspenseful shows, too
what other couple they hang out with: uhhhh not Shun+Reiji that’s for damn sure (Shun would kill him). Maybe (HUGE MAYBE) Yuuri+Serena if Ruri can stomach being near him
how they spend time together as a couple: happily??? there’s virtually no problems in their relationship and they have a lot of fun together
who made the first move: Dennis. He flirts a lot anyway, so he just did it to Ruri more constantly than normal
who brings flowers home: Dennis and Ruri enjoy flowers, so they both bring them home on occasion
who is the best cook: Hmm… both are fine cooks, but Dennis cooks more often
Serenadeshipping (Yuzu/Serena)
who hogs the duvet: Yuzu doesn’t really need it, so Serena can keep it
who texts/rings to check how their day is going: Yuzu, mostly. Serena does that very occasionally.
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts: Yuzu’s definitely the most creative, and she loves giving gifts to Serena too.
who gets up first in the morning: Hmm… Yuzu. She’s used to it due to school
who suggests new things in bed: uhhh Yuzu is… hesitant about it, but she wants to change things up a few times
who cries at movies: Yuzu
who gives unprompted massages: Also Yuzu. Serena catches on and does it sometimes 
who fusses over the other when they’re sick: Both, but Yuzu more than Serena. Gets her soup, wet rags, medicine, everything. Serena tells her to stop but secretly likes it a lot
who gets jealous easiest: ahhhh Yuzu most definitely. Serena doesn’t like when ppl (Dennis) get too flirty with her, either
who has the most embarrassing taste in music: Yuzu is all about music so if you say her taste is embarrassing she would very obviously ignore you super hard
who collects something unusual: Hm… neither.
who takes the longest to get ready: Yuzu, although even still it doesn’t take that long
who is the most tidy and organised: Both are pretty organized, but Yuzu is a bit more neat
who gets most excited about the holidays: Yuzu, definitely. She’s all about gifts and loves hanging out with Serena, so holidays are the perfect time
who is the big spoon/little spoon: Serena cuddles her a lot so Yuzu is unwittingly the little spoon
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports: Serena, although she keeps her aggressivemess to a minimum when playing with Yuzu.
who starts the most arguments: Neither, not really. If anything happens it’s because Serena was just a little too blunt
who suggests that they buy a pet: Serena, and Yuzu’s fine with them having a cat.
what couple traditions they have: They go to the movies, like, every few months to watch whatever is popular.
what tv shows they watch together: Serena and Yuzu are both fond of music shows, so they watch them together. And those shows where you can just see dogs/cats doing whatever?? Serena is there
what other couple they hang out with: Hmm…. most definitely they’ll hang around Yuuya and whoever he’s dating. Shingo, perhaps?
how they spend time together as a couple: uhhh happily?? (i don’t know how to really answer this question, if you haven’t figured that out) Things are pretty quiet, but it’s a nice, friendly quiet that let’s you know they’re both happy with how things are
who made the first move: Serena’s been crushing hardcore but it was Yuzu who first brought it up and went for kisses
who brings flowers home: Yuzuuuu; it brightens up the home
who is the best cook: Serena can’t cook for crap so Yuzu makes most of the food
// anddd that’s it! Man that was long Thanks for sending things in~
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endlessarchite · 8 years ago
A Noticeable Shortcut to Keeping My White Rug Clean
This post is sponsored by Spot Shot® Instant Carpet Stain Remover
Question: what do you get when you cross a very active dog like Charlie with a very white rug? Unless you’re a neat freak with a lot of time on your hands to bathe the dog every day (which I am noticeably not), the answer is a rug that needs the occasional cleanup. I knew when I bought my new living room rug that I was probably going to have to step up my cleaning game, so I have streamlined the living room with three new items that are going to make things a little faster. The little bugger can’t even stay out of my staged shots. Case in point:
Preventing & Treating Rug Stains
1. Charlie’s new toy basket
Remember how I mentioned my source for inexpensive (but pretty) storage baskets? I tend to pick them up in sets so I know that they are all the same size, but on my last trip, I found one on steep clearance but wasn’t sure if I had any others to match the same height/storage size. At first I thought I’d use it in the guest bathroom, but when it proved to be just a little too tall for the vanity, it found a new home in the corner of my living room for Charlie’s many stuffed, not-yet-fully-gutted toys.
While Charlie will happily drag out all of her toys whenever the mood suits her, it’s nice to have a place to quickly corral them (and keep slobber-soaked toys off the rug).
2. Pre-treating with a stain preventer
Most of the first floor in my house has laminate flooring, so I don’t often have to use rug cleaner (vacuum bags and cleaning sprays? you betcha). But since buying the new rug and the new sectional, I’ve got that obnoxious buyer behavior where I’m trying to keep everything pristine for as long as possible (because hello, I’ve waited long enough to have them!). I like to call it “New Car Syndrome” because I behaved pretty much the same way when I bought my SUV and flipped out the first time I found a ding from another driver’s door on the side. Not a great day for me.
Anyway, I first did what I could to make sure that if something falls on the carpet or Charlie tracks in muck, it won’t get as much opportunity to set in thanks to a spray-on stain preventer. It seems to have done a really good job so far, but I know it won’t be 100% fool proof and stains are bound to happen. Which is why I’ve added…
3. An easy rug cleaner stored directly in the living room
If avoiding cleaning were a sport, I could probably win the gold at the Olympics — I’m only going to do as little work as I possibly can. That’s how I wound up figuring out that if I just store my carpet cleaner in the living room instead of in the kitchen or closet, I will take care of the mess right away instead of getting sidetracked (and letting a stain sink in is kind of the opposite of what I’m trying to do).
I know that probably sounds ridiculous to those of you who are masters at cleaning, but 1. I really am that lazy sometimes if I’m working on a DIY project and 2. Knowing myself enough to focus on overcoming those simple details that have thwarted me in the past is how I came to have a well-organized entryway closet and a clean laundry room… so I know that it works for me. The bright colored cans aren’t necessarily a decorator’s favorite aesthetically, so I place them in a storage ottoman much like I did with detergents and other products in the laundry room (when I add the built-ins to the wall that separates the living room and dining room, it will be moved to the shelves and stored there).
What I like specifically about Spot Shot® Instant Carpet Stain Remover is that it doesn’t need scrubbing. You spray it on and let it sit for a minute or two and dab it off with a clean towel (repeat if necessary, but I usually only have to do that if it’s something like spaghetti sauce). The cleaner also has stain preventer in it, so I won’t have to pretreat again.
random dirt & spaghetti sauce stains
My boyfriend saw me using it the other day and was surprised; not only because holy crap she’s actually cleaning, but apparently when he used to work as a project manager for a construction company, this was the product they would use to remove Georgia red clay (notoriously frustrating in the southeast) from carpets before they would turn the property over to the new owner. Good to know, since I’m also tracking a lot of dirt into the kitchen with some of the back yard’s garden improvements.
And that — short and sweet — is how Charlie and the new rug are cohabitating without much fuss.
Click here to get a coupon for $1 off Spot Shot and here to locate a nearby retailer where you can purchase it. For more cleaning and organizing tips, follow Spot Shot on Facebook via the Stain Fighting Community.
P.S. Mental note: at the end of this month, Spot Shot (and other goodies) will be in a bundled giveaway, so make a note to keep an eye out for that! Or if it works better for you, subscribe here and you’ll get the email notification when the giveaway goes live.
The post A Noticeable Shortcut to Keeping My White Rug Clean appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.
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A Noticeable Shortcut to Keeping My White Rug Clean published first on http://ift.tt/2qxZz2j
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chocdono · 8 years ago
A Noticeable Shortcut to Keeping My White Rug Clean
This post is sponsored by Spot Shot® Instant Carpet Stain Remover
Question: what do you get when you cross a very active dog like Charlie with a very white rug? Unless you’re a neat freak with a lot of time on your hands to bathe the dog every day (which I am noticeably not), the answer is a rug that needs the occasional cleanup. I knew when I bought my new living room rug that I was probably going to have to step up my cleaning game, so I have streamlined the living room with three new items that are going to make things a little faster. The little bugger can’t even stay out of my staged shots. Case in point:
Preventing & Treating Rug Stains
1. Charlie’s new toy basket
Remember how I mentioned my source for inexpensive (but pretty) storage baskets? I tend to pick them up in sets so I know that they are all the same size, but on my last trip, I found one on steep clearance but wasn’t sure if I had any others to match the same height/storage size. At first I thought I’d use it in the guest bathroom, but when it proved to be just a little too tall for the vanity, it found a new home in the corner of my living room for Charlie’s many stuffed, not-yet-fully-gutted toys.
While Charlie will happily drag out all of her toys whenever the mood suits her, it’s nice to have a place to quickly corral them (and keep slobber-soaked toys off the rug).
2. Pre-treating with a stain preventer
Most of the first floor in my house has laminate flooring, so I don’t often have to use rug cleaner (vacuum bags and cleaning sprays? you betcha). But since buying the new rug and the new sectional, I’ve got that obnoxious buyer behavior where I’m trying to keep everything pristine for as long as possible (because hello, I’ve waited long enough to have them!). I like to call it “New Car Syndrome” because I behaved pretty much the same way when I bought my SUV and flipped out the first time I found a ding from another driver’s door on the side. Not a great day for me.
Anyway, I first did what I could to make sure that if something falls on the carpet or Charlie tracks in muck, it won’t get as much opportunity to set in thanks to a spray-on stain preventer. It seems to have done a really good job so far, but I know it won’t be 100% fool proof and stains are bound to happen. Which is why I’ve added…
3. An easy rug cleaner stored directly in the living room
If avoiding cleaning were a sport, I could probably win the gold at the Olympics — I’m only going to do as little work as I possibly can. That’s how I wound up figuring out that if I just store my carpet cleaner in the living room instead of in the kitchen or closet, I will take care of the mess right away instead of getting sidetracked (and letting a stain sink in is kind of the opposite of what I’m trying to do).
I know that probably sounds ridiculous to those of you who are masters at cleaning, but 1. I really am that lazy sometimes if I’m working on a DIY project and 2. Knowing myself enough to focus on overcoming those simple details that have thwarted me in the past is how I came to have a well-organized entryway closet and a clean laundry room… so I know that it works for me. The bright colored cans aren’t necessarily a decorator’s favorite aesthetically, so I place them in a storage ottoman much like I did with detergents and other products in the laundry room (when I add the built-ins to the wall that separates the living room and dining room, it will be moved to the shelves and stored there).
What I like specifically about Spot Shot® Instant Carpet Stain Remover is that it doesn’t need scrubbing. You spray it on and let it sit for a minute or two and dab it off with a clean towel (repeat if necessary, but I usually only have to do that if it’s something like spaghetti sauce). The cleaner also has stain preventer in it, so I won’t have to pretreat again.
random dirt & spaghetti sauce stains
My boyfriend saw me using it the other day and was surprised; not only because holy crap she’s actually cleaning, but apparently when he used to work as a project manager for a construction company, this was the product they would use to remove Georgia red clay (notoriously frustrating in the southeast) from carpets before they would turn the property over to the new owner. Good to know, since I’m also tracking a lot of dirt into the kitchen with some of the back yard’s garden improvements.
And that — short and sweet — is how Charlie and the new rug are cohabitating without much fuss.
Click here to get a coupon for $1 off Spot Shot and here to locate a nearby retailer where you can purchase it. For more cleaning and organizing tips, follow Spot Shot on Facebook via the Stain Fighting Community.
P.S. Mental note: at the end of this month, Spot Shot (and other goodies) will be in a bundled giveaway, so make a note to keep an eye out for that! Or if it works better for you, subscribe here and you’ll get the email notification when the giveaway goes live.
The post A Noticeable Shortcut to Keeping My White Rug Clean appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.
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from mix1 http://ift.tt/2uJGGzv via with this info
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sherlocklexa · 8 years ago
A Noticeable Shortcut to Keeping My White Rug Clean
This post is sponsored by Spot Shot® Instant Carpet Stain Remover
Question: what do you get when you cross a very active dog like Charlie with a very white rug? Unless you’re a neat freak with a lot of time on your hands to bathe the dog every day (which I am noticeably not), the answer is a rug that needs the occasional cleanup. I knew when I bought my new living room rug that I was probably going to have to step up my cleaning game, so I have streamlined the living room with three new items that are going to make things a little faster. The little bugger can’t even stay out of my staged shots. Case in point:
Preventing & Treating Rug Stains
1. Charlie’s new toy basket
Remember how I mentioned my source for inexpensive (but pretty) storage baskets? I tend to pick them up in sets so I know that they are all the same size, but on my last trip, I found one on steep clearance but wasn’t sure if I had any others to match the same height/storage size. At first I thought I’d use it in the guest bathroom, but when it proved to be just a little too tall for the vanity, it found a new home in the corner of my living room for Charlie’s many stuffed, not-yet-fully-gutted toys.
While Charlie will happily drag out all of her toys whenever the mood suits her, it’s nice to have a place to quickly corral them (and keep slobber-soaked toys off the rug).
2. Pre-treating with a stain preventer
Most of the first floor in my house has laminate flooring, so I don’t often have to use rug cleaner (vacuum bags and cleaning sprays? you betcha). But since buying the new rug and the new sectional, I’ve got that obnoxious buyer behavior where I’m trying to keep everything pristine for as long as possible (because hello, I’ve waited long enough to have them!). I like to call it “New Car Syndrome” because I behaved pretty much the same way when I bought my SUV and flipped out the first time I found a ding from another driver’s door on the side. Not a great day for me.
Anyway, I first did what I could to make sure that if something falls on the carpet or Charlie tracks in muck, it won’t get as much opportunity to set in thanks to a spray-on stain preventer. It seems to have done a really good job so far, but I know it won’t be 100% fool proof and stains are bound to happen. Which is why I’ve added…
3. An easy rug cleaner stored directly in the living room
If avoiding cleaning were a sport, I could probably win the gold at the Olympics — I’m only going to do as little work as I possibly can. That’s how I wound up figuring out that if I just store my carpet cleaner in the living room instead of in the kitchen or closet, I will take care of the mess right away instead of getting sidetracked (and letting a stain sink in is kind of the opposite of what I’m trying to do).
I know that probably sounds ridiculous to those of you who are masters at cleaning, but 1. I really am that lazy sometimes if I’m working on a DIY project and 2. Knowing myself enough to focus on overcoming those simple details that have thwarted me in the past is how I came to have a well-organized entryway closet and a clean laundry room… so I know that it works for me. The bright colored cans aren’t necessarily a decorator’s favorite aesthetically, so I place them in a storage ottoman much like I did with detergents and other products in the laundry room (when I add the built-ins to the wall that separates the living room and dining room, it will be moved to the shelves and stored there).
What I like specifically about Spot Shot® Instant Carpet Stain Remover is that it doesn’t need scrubbing. You spray it on and let it sit for a minute or two and dab it off with a clean towel (repeat if necessary, but I usually only have to do that if it’s something like spaghetti sauce). The cleaner also has stain preventer in it, so I won’t have to pretreat again.
random dirt & spaghetti sauce stains
My boyfriend saw me using it the other day and was surprised; not only because holy crap she’s actually cleaning, but apparently when he used to work as a project manager for a construction company, this was the product they would use to remove Georgia red clay (notoriously frustrating in the southeast) from carpets before they would turn the property over to the new owner. Good to know, since I’m also tracking a lot of dirt into the kitchen with some of the back yard’s garden improvements.
And that — short and sweet — is how Charlie and the new rug are cohabitating without much fuss.
Click here to get a coupon for $1 off Spot Shot and here to locate a nearby retailer where you can purchase it. For more cleaning and organizing tips, follow Spot Shot on Facebook via the Stain Fighting Community.
P.S. Mental note: at the end of this month, Spot Shot (and other goodies) will be in a bundled giveaway, so make a note to keep an eye out for that! Or if it works better for you, subscribe here and you’ll get the email notification when the giveaway goes live.
The post A Noticeable Shortcut to Keeping My White Rug Clean appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.
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from car2 http://ift.tt/2uJGGzv via as shown a lot
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